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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Mr. Nelson Gets Crazy as He Finally Finds
Chapter 141 Mr. Nelson Gets Crazy as He Finally Finds Lilian
Remington asked with a frown, “What happened?”
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“Young Master Andrew ran away. He’s much more brilliant than we’ve expected him to be. He deceived us to play a game with him, but in the end, he tied us up. He’s missing now!”
Such a double whammy!
Cecelia’s disappearance was enough to make Remington crazy, but now even his son was missing.
If he guessed it right, this must be Andres’ idea. He must have shaken off Whitegon and gone to find Cecelia.
Another possibility was that Cecelia must have planned this for a long time. She wanted to take away their son after divorcing him!
If he wanted to find Andres, he must find Cecelia first!
“Go to find Cecelia, all of you! You must find her!”
Remington seemed to think about something and ordered again, “Lockdown all exits in the airport and other places. Do not let Cecelia go abroad!”
What he was afraid of the most was that Cecelia would disappear again and this time, with their son. What could he do if he couldn’t find her?
In the president’s office of the LC Group…
Cecelia, who was in a black dress, was leaning against the window, her right elbow resting on her left palm and her right hand slightly shaking the goblet.
The sun shone on her hair and cast a layer of light on her. It seemed as if her hair was glistening.
She looked askance in a direction, seeming to be lost in her thoughts.
Then a man’s voice pulled her out of her train of thought.
“Ms. Linsey, Emily’s apology video has been posted on the forum of the University of Center City. The video is labeled as ‘hot’ and is now the top search. Many people have commented on it and they were all accusing Emily!”
“She deserves this ”
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“Oh, Mr. Linsey, Mr. Chase, hurry up to browse the news. Ophelia was in the headlines. It wrote: Ophelia Linsey, the daughter of the Linsey family and one of the three most beautiful women in the Center City, amazed all the people on the school anniversary!”
When they opened a news website, the first news they saw was a report about Ophelia.
It was an official report about what happened that day.
However, there were many interesting comments.
“She’s so disgusting. One of the three most beautiful women in the Center City? Oh, save it. We should call her one of the sh ittiest women in the city.”
“This should be the shi ttiest school anniversary in history.”
“Ophelia who’s surrounded by s hits: Oh, my eyes! I can’t see anything!”
“Hahaha… I wonder if she can wash those sh its away.”
The netizens were very sharp-tongued and didn’t show her any mercy.
Cecelia didn’t care about the news about Ophelia. But she seemed to recall something and a hint of astonishment appeared on her beautiful face.
“Verda, Upton, I think of something! The word that Ida uttered before she died may be Porema! Search for Porema!”
Upton immediately searched for Porema on the Internet. “Cecelia,
look at this.”
Cecelia walked over and saw a picture of blooming jacaranda flowers. They formed a dreamlike violet scene.
“These flowers are all jacaranda!”
“Yes. Jacaranda is the municipal flower of Porema. The Songo Dyehouse is located in Porema, so it’s very normal for it to pattern jacaranda on clothes.”
“Could it be that the disappearance of my mother’s ashes is related to the Porema of the country Bemanko? Otherwise, what does the jacaranda that I received mean?”
Upton didn’t know what it represented, and he found some
Chapter 141 Mr. Nelson Gets Crazy as He Finally Finds
information about the Songo Dyehouse.
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“Cecelia, I found this. There’s a story about the Songo Dyehouse of Porema, Bemanko.”
“What’s it?”
“It is said that the Songo Dyehouse has been passed on for hundreds of years. A hundred years ago, the Dyehouse of the Songo family was just a small workshop.”
“It’s said that at that time, the Songo Dyehouse was able to produce a kind of material that had a special fragrance. Clothes tailored by this material would have a natural fragrance that would attract butterflies.”
“At that time, an unfavored concubine in the imperial palace got a customized dress from the Songo Dyehouse.”
“When she danced at the royal banquet, butterflies surrounded her in the center. Because of this, that concubine was noticed by the King and became his favorite concubine. Later, she was promoted to be the highest-ranking imperial concubine.”
Thereafter, the material provided by the Songo Dyehouse became a thing exclusive to the royal family.”
“But wars in modern times cause the decline of the Songo Dyehouse.”
“Later, the Songo family lost its secretive dying manuscript, The Collection of Fragrant Clothes, that had been passed down by their ancestors for years and couldn’t produce the mysterious fragrant clothes anymore.”
“However, the Songo Dyehouse is still engaged in apparel design. nowadays and is quite famous.
After finishing these words, Upton looked toward Cecelia. But it seemed like Cecelia was still immersed in her memories.
She seemed to have heard about this legendary story from her mother when she was young.
When Cecelia was a child, she was once curious about if there were really fragrant clothes in this world.
What a miraculous scene it would be to attract butterflies.
Upton continued, “The Collection of Fragrant Clothes is the secretive dying manuscript of the Songo Dyehouse. It is said that if all the pages of The Collection of Fragrant Clothes, the fragrant clothes may be reproduced again. But no one knows if it’s true or not.”
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Cecelia was not interested in the legendary fragrant clothes. What she wanted to know was if there were any connections between her mother and these things.
And were there any connections between the man who sent her jacaranda flowers at the reunion party for alumni and the dress with jacaranda patterns on it that Maggie wore at the school anniversary?
Were they suggesting her something?
In the end, Cecelia said to Upton, “Send some men to Porema, Bemanko to see if they can find out something.”
Verda checked the phone and said, “Ms. Linsey, Everest has sent Andres here. Shall we go to the race course now?”
Cecelia planned to teach her son horse racing today.
In the biggest race course in the suburbs of the Center City…
Holding Andres’ hand, Cecelia asked while walking, “Andres, do you know how to ride a horse?”
Andres shook his head.
“I’ll teach you how to ride a horse today. Let’s pick out a suitable pony later.”
Cecelia caressed her son’s head. Andres felt very happy because today he could stay alone with his mommy.
Since Max and Cyrus didn’t come today, he could stay alone with his mommy! It felt so great!
They walked into the stable and Cecelia selected a Bordeaux pony for Andres. Andres liked it very much.
The horse-riding coach tied the saddle for Andres and carried him onto the back of the horse. Cecelia planned to let him get accustomed to it first.
After learning for about half an hour, Andres was able to ride the horse alone.
He smiled excitedly and exclaimed to his mom, “Mom. Look at me. I can ride a horse now!”
“Andres, you’re so brilliant! Wait for Mommy. I’ll catch up with you.”
Cecelia got onto the back of the horse and slapped its a ss to urge it
Chapter 141 Mr. Nelson Gets Crazy as He Finally Finds
to run.
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Remington immediately rushed over when he learned that Cecelia was in the horse course.
The motorcade stopped before the horse course and Remington strode inside.
As soon as he entered the horse course, he heard the stamp of hoofs.
He looked over following the sounds and saw a white horse galloping toward him. The woman on the back of the horse was wearing a red suit, a pair of black boots, and a top hat.
She looked radiant and valiant.
She looked so charming as she rode the horse so handsomely! When Remington recognized that the woman was Cecelia, his heart. suddenly sk ipped a beat.
He was surprised by this woman again!
No wonder Samson would fall in love at the first sight of the woman who rode a horse. It was because she had a deadly charm when riding the horse!
When the white horse galloped past him, Remington couldn’t control his emotions anymore and strode toward the course.


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