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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 222

Chapter 222 Cecelia Couldn’t Help But Burst Into Tears. 1/5 

Chapter 222 Cecelia Couldn’t Help But Burst Into Tears 

You’ll know after opening it.” 

After Remington finished speaking, he started the engine and drove away

Cecelia unwrapped the pink wrapping paper and saw a white box inside. It was a box with a brand logo. She seemed to know what it 


New phone?” 

Cecelia found out that the new phone was of the same brand and model as Remington’s phone. They were black and white and looked like a couple’s model

I have smashed your phone. This is the new one I compensate your for.” 

I don’t need you to compensate me for the new one.” 

She could buy it herself

Remington smashed her phone to help her get rid of the monitoring of viruses programs, so she would naturally thank him and would not ask him for compensation

Isn’t it the same as I gave you? I already bought it, just use it!” 

Remington hoped that she would accept the gift he prepared for her, and not just coldly reject his kindness every time

But those things stored in my original phone” 

It’s better not to transfer them to this new phone, otherwise the viruses programs will be copied over. Just use this new one.” 

Cecelia didn’t say anything. She thought that it was a pity for her broken phone. It contained a lot of photos of her children, as well as some information from her investigation

Remington kept saying. Turn on the phone and have a look. There is a Paternity Test Report on the photo album

After hearing this, Cecelia hurriedly turned on the phone. The new phone hasn’t installed a SIM card or protection program, so she could enter the homepage easily and find the photo album

There were two photo albums in it. The first photo album was a picture of the Paternity Test Report

Zooming in on the picture. Cecelia looked at it from beginning to end 

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and finally saw the result of the parentchild relationship. She was finally relieved


Doris is our biological daughter, I can be sure even though without. this result.” 

Cecelia was able to confirm the identity of the child only by relying on motherdaughter telepathy

Since she has this report, she became more confident to get her daughter back

You are right, she is our daughter.” 

Remington has the same idea as Cecelia. With this report, Cecelia and him would become closer and then they could join forces to fight. for their daughter back

In addition to this report, Cecelia opened another album

This album was named after her son Andres, and there are 

hundreds of photos in it, which were some records of Andres’s life. There are still photos and videos of Andres?” 

Enhuh. I want you to know his growing moments when you weren’t by his side.” 

Cecelia carefully looked through all the photos and videos of her 


All these photos and videos have been recorded since his birth. Cecelia’s feelings were touched by all these moments

These were the softest part of her heart place as a mother

She couldn’t help but burst into tears

From the beginning to the end, watching her son grow up from a little baby, somewhere in her heart was filled

During the growth of Andres, she missed the opportunity to be a mother to accompany him. These photos brought her a lot of 


Cecelia vowed silently in her heart that she would never leave her child again

She would live with her children forever

Remington noticed that she was crying, and then handed over

handkerchief Are you alright?” 

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Cecelia took it and wiped away the tears. Remington turned to look at her and asked. When are you going to find Maggie? Do you want me to accompany you?” 

No, it’s fine. You don’t need to get involved in this matter now, I will ask her out after I go to the police station.” 

At that moment, there were many media staying outside the Police Station in the Center City. Because the news about this case has been solved already been notified to the outside world

The news of Black Hawk was also announced to the public, and it aroused widespread concern in society and the Internet for a while. Cecelia and Remington came to the police station and saw so many reporters present, they both put on sunglasses and walked in low- key

They met Roger and walked to the interrogation room. Outside the window, they saw Black Hawk imprisoned inside

Roger said. He is persistent, no matter how the interrogator interrogates him, he still refuses to speak

It was all within Remington’s expectations. As a killer, he has a strong mentality, so it’s not easy to plead guilty! We must find his defect!” 

I’ll try hypnosis!” 

Cecelia volunteered. After Roger agreed to her idea, he took her to the interrogation room, and Remington followed her in as well

Facing Black Hawk who sat in front of her, Cecelia stared at hist face, and Black Hawk’s gloomy eyes also stared at her

After sitting down, Cecelia asked. Why did you stop me from investigating my mother’s case? Why did you kill so many innocent people?” 

Black Hawk didn’t answer

Black Hawk! You have to understand! Now you are being caught, confession is your only way out! Tell me! Who is your mastermind behind the scénes? Where is my mother?” 

No matter what Cecelia asked, Black Hawk refused to cooperate

Cecelia had no choice but to take out hypnosis props and try to hypnotize him

However, this trick didn’t have much effect on him. He has a strong 

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