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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 The Key Point That Was Ignored
Chapter 223 The Key Point That Was Ignored
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After the two of them left, Black Hawk looked at the back of them. He frowned tightly and then curled his lips coldly.
It would not be that easy to let her speak.
After speaking to Roger, Remington and Cecelia left the police station.
“What did you find?”
Cecelia asked Remington on the way.
“My people have already found Black Hawk’s foothold in the Center City, maybe we can find clues from where he lives.”
When they arrived at a dilapidated apartment building, Winger and the others were already waiting there.
“Are you sure it’s Black Hawk’s residence?” Remington asked.
“Yes, I am sure. We have checked in detail, and we have confirmed from the monitor, it’s him!” Winger replied.
Remington walked in with Cecelia. The light in the apartment was not bright, and the furnishings inside were simple.
What caught their attention was that there were so many computers running in one room. Usually, only hackers would use so many networks to synchronize management information.
This showed that Black Hawk was also a master of computers.
There was also a wiretapping and information conversion device in the room. Remington controlled the computer and found that it needed the password to enter.
Only Black Hawk knew the password. After a series of operations, Remington finally unlocked the cumbersome password system and successfully logged into Black Hawk’s networks.
They saw some photos of the people he had killed before in the computer.
“This guy is a perv erted killer!”
Cecelia found that Black Hawk made these dead portraits into a game, a violent killing game for his own entertainment.
“That’s right! Not only abnormal but also paranoid!”
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In addition, Remington also found a lot of videos and photos related to Cecelia.
“No wonder he knows me so well! He has been monitoring my life!” Cecelia felt horrified when she thought about it. How terrifying would it be to be watched by a per verted killer?
Remington continued to hack the computer, trying to find out who was behind the scenes from Black Hawk’s computer.
Cecelia searched the room, wanting to find out other clues. She came to a wall, and on the wall was a large imitation oil painting of “The Last Supper”.
Looking at this imitation painting that didn’t match the style of the room, Cecelia felt that something was wrong.
She reached out to touch the edge of the painting, and at one point, she seemed to feel a bump.
Subconsciously pressed the button, and suddenly the wall where the imitation painting was located moved away.
It turned out that she accidentally touched the hidden mechanism. What appeared in front of her was a glass plate of the same size as the imitation painting. There were many photos pasted on the glass. plate, and their names and contents were written on it.
The photos and names were unfolded like a tree, arranged neatly and interlaced with each other.
After seeing these photos, Cecelia was shocked. She yelled to Remington. “Remington, come over!”
Hearing Cecelia calling him, Remington rushed out of the room. “What’s wrong, Cece?”
Cecelia pointed to the things on the wall. “I found these by accident!” Remington looked at the photo’s information, and read out. “Claudia Songo, Isak Done, Leila Done…”
Not only Cecelis’s grandparents and mother, as well as the cremator and embalmer who died before, even Ida Williams was being recorded.
Those who died were crossed with red marks, and the time of death. was recorded.
Chapter 223 The Key Point That Was Ignored
The photo at the center of these networks was Cecelia.
Some red arrows pointed to Cecelia, representing the relationship between those people and her.
“Isak Done is your grandfather, who is Claudia Songo?” Remington asked.
“It is my grandma. Her real name is Claudia Songo. She came from Porema.
Cecelia explained this relationship to him, and Remington was very surprised after hearing it. “Could it be that your grandma is a descendant of the Songo family of Poremá?”
“She is.”
Thinking of this, Remington felt enlightened. “I know why Black Hawk would do that!”
“Really? Tell me!”
“The reason why the people behind Black Hawk hurt so many people is to prevent you from finding your mother’s whereabouts.” “If I’m not wrong, and if your mother is still alive, she must have fallen into the hands of the mastermind behind Black Hawk. The reason why those people took her away was because she was a descendant of the Songo family.
“It’s easy to guess their purpose. They may come for the Songo Dye Secret.’
“Have you ever heard the legend of Songo Dye Secret? It was said. that as long as get the Songo Dye Secret then people can make the Precious Garment.”
“Many people in the society want to get The Collection of Fragrant Clothes. Because it is a priceless treasure.”
Cecelia was confused. “I’ve already found out all these, and I also know my grandmother’s background. But if they want to get The Collection of Fragrant Clothes, why don’t they take me away too? Why would they spend so much time to cause the murder case?”
Remington rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. He was guessing and then said. “Is there such a possibility that they taking. advantage of the rebellious psychology of human nature?”
“How come?”
“Under normal circumstances, if someone prevents you from doing
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Chapter 223 The Key Point That Was Ignored
something, a rebellious m entality of resistance will grow in your heart, and you will not give up and keep doing it! With your strong curiosity, you will definitely continue to investigate! The truth you are looking for maybe what they are looking for!”
Cecelia had to accept Remington’s reasoning. She asked, “In other words, the mastermind may be using me to help him find The Collection of Fragrant Clothes. Even if he catches my mother, he won’t be able to get it. So he used this means to lead me to investigate!”
Cecelia already has half of The Collection of Fragrant Clothes. maybe the only way to get close to the mastermind was to find the rest part to complete the entire one.
If things were really as Remington imagined, it would be easy to explain why Cecelia was able to survive until now.
However, she was confused again. “If they are leading me to investigate, why do they want to cut off my leads? This is a contradiction! The reason for each case is clearly that they don’t want me to investigate it, so they obstruct it in every possible way!” “What you said makes sense. But I always think it should have something to do with The Collection of Fragrant Clothes.”
“Who the hell is this person? He has been planning for many years. He is so vicious in his actions. Why does he have to get The Collection of Fragrant Clothes? But even if he can get it, so what? How much can a Precious Garment sell for? A luxury couture piece?”
Cecelia always felt that this excuse was too flimsy and not enough to support the motivation of the people behind Black Hawk to hire a killer to lurk for many years.
“Maybe it’s not for the Precious Garment. Maybe it’s because of something else.”
Remington also felt that his guess just now was not completely correct. “Those are just my personal guesses, and there may be other reasons. Only by finding out who is behind can we find out everything!”
“No matter what, I will continue to investigate! I will never stop until I find my mother!”
Cecelia would not give up. Remington suddenly thought of something. “By the way, we have ignored a key point!”
“What was that?”


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