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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 279

Chapter 279 Knowing His Hidden Identity
“Ms. Taylor, mind your words and actions! We are strangers!” Jersey said expressionlessly.
Then he got in his car, closed the door, and drove away.
Watching the car fade into the distance, Maggie found it difficult to calm her emotions. But there was nothing she could do.
The only thing she could do was wait for the right opportunity!
On the way back, Remington held Cecelia’s hand and kissed her on the back of her hand.
Then, he leaned towards her ear and whispered his gratitude, “Cece, thank you for always being so considerate to me.’
Even in the presence of his love rival, Cecelia didn’t leave Remington alone. On the contrary, she always chose to go with him, which greatly satisfied his male ego.
“Since I’m being so considerate to you, can’t you do the same for me? Can you stop confronting Jersey all the time? I’ve said it many times that he’s just my senior. What do you have to worry about?” Cecelia wished that he could change a little and stop being at odds with Jersey all the time.
“Alright. I’ll try my best not to cause trouble with him.”
Remington could agree with her. However, thinking about Jersey’s act of buying a strand of her hair, he still wanted to complain. “But, is he a pe rvert? Why would he spend $10 million to buy a strand of your hair?”
“He might just be finding a way out for himself. After all, he couldn’t spend $10 for nothing, right? Buying my hair was just an excuse for him to do charity. After all, you made him a bit embarrassed then!”
“I don’t think he looks like someone who would do charity.”
Based on his intuition, Remington always felt something was off about Jersey. But as for what was off, he couldn’t say.
“You can’t judge people just by their appearance.”
Cecelia had known Jersey for about five years, so Cecelia knew what kind of person he was.
“I know! Is he also a member of Dark Moon? What position does be
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hold in Dark Moon?” Remington asked.
He thoroughly investigated Jersey and found out his hidden identity that he belonged to Dark Moon.
When Cecelia mentioned Jersey, she sometimes referred to him as “Senior,” which indicated that Jersey’s seniority and status in Dark Moon must be higher than Cecelia’s.
Knowing that his identity couldn’t be hidden from Remington, Cecelia truthfully revealed, “He is the son of my teacher.”
“Your teacher is…”
“Tobiani Bowman, the Master of Dark Moon. When the people of Dark Moon saved me and brought me back, I became Tobiani’s student.”
Remington nodded. He knew that Dark Moon was a very mysterious organization. To this day, the outside world didn’t know who the leader of Dark Moon wás.
If it weren’t for Cecelia’s disclosure, Remington wouldn’t have known either.
The two of them chatted all the way back to the Nelson Residence. Their children were at the Nelson Residence. Andres was the first to notice that his parents had returned, and he rushed over to hug Cecelia’s legs and greeted loudly, “Mommy!”
Hearing Andres call her, Cecelia was very happy and crouched down to hug Andres.
Since hearing Andres speak at the birthday banquet, Remington hadn’t heard him say anything again until now. He was a bit anxious and said, “Andres, say hello fo daddy.”
Andres intentionally gave his father a long face and didn’t call him. “I can’t believe it… I’m the one who raised you! You totally forget about your dad now that you have your mom back!”
Remington couldn’t help but complain. The gap between him and Cecelia in the children’s hearts was too big.
All their children came over to greet Cecelia only, except Doris. The little girl said hello to Remington after she greeted Cecelia.
Remington lifted Doris in his arms and affectionately said, “Daughters are the best. Doris is my little sweetheart.”
After saying this, he was met with unanimous contempt from his
Chapter 279 Knowing His Hidden Identity
three sons.
They thought that they should keep ignoring this man!
When they entered the house together, Cecelia saw several unfamiliar people sitting inside. She looked at Remington with confusion.
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Remington explained, “Cece, these are the private tutors that I intend to hire for the kids. I plan to start a small home-teach kindergarten at the Nelson Residence, so that our children and Ronald’s two sons can have education together. What do you think?” “That’s fine! As long as the children are okay with this, I have not objections.’
After obtaining Cecelia’s consent, they started the trial classes with the children to assess the competence and abilities of these tutors. After practical testing, Remington kept three competent tutors. The other teachers who participated in the interview could only leave. with regret.
“Children, you must now listen to your home tutors. During class, bet attentive. And after class, have fun. Oaky?”
“Okay, Mommy!”
Cyrus raised his hand and asked, “Mommy, where is Everest?” “She is at the hospital taking care of Verda! After Verda recovers, Everest will come back to continue teaching you.”
Upon hearing this, the children felt relieved.
The matters about children’s education were settled. Cecelia and Remington made an agreement with the teachers that the class would start tomorrow.
In an inconspicuous place in Center City…
Jersey walked in and got to the entrance of an underground studio. After entering the pin, the door lock automatically opened. After he got in, the door closed automatically.
This studio was quite large and was privately owned with an extremely rich classical decoration style, all designed according to Jersey’s preferences.
On a large wall in the studio, there were many photo frames with
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Chapter 279 Knowing His Hidden Identity.
different colors and sizes. They seemed random, but when put together, they appeared organized.
Jersey stood in front of the wall with his hands in his pockets, admiring the precious collection he had created.
In the center of the frame, there was a specimen that appeared to be a butterfly at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, it could be seen that it was a specimen made from two human ears.
Next to it, there was a “fish”. The scales of that “fish” were actually made from human fingernails.
Therefore, each item in every frame on this wall represented its own meaning.
These were all “artworks” created by Jersey!
Thinking of something, he took out Cecelia’s strand of hair from his pocket.
He placed it on the workbench. After some decoration, a frame containing the strand of hair was completed.
Jersey put this new artwork on the wall and admired it alone. To him, he felt that this piece was perfect.
His Bidder-Spidernet would once again have another unique auction item.
In the afternoon, Remington and Cecelia divided up their tasks. Remington would take the children to the hospital to visit Cynthia, while Cecelia went to attend the executive meeting at the Tangerine Group.
Since the Linsey Group changed its name to the Tangerine Group, there had been a huge uproar within the organization that had yet to settle down.
The former chairman was arrested, the president went missing, and the vice president was fired… These personnel changes caused panic among the employees.
Cecelia advised Ludwig Mavis to wait and see for a couple of days, allowing the situation to escalate. As expected, Gary Linsey’s loyal followers couldn’t sit still now.
They expressed strong dissatisfaction and opposition towards the new leadership of the company, and even privately formed alliances to threaten the top management with a strike during today’s executive meeting in an attempt to change the situation.
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“If they don’t bring back Mr. Linsey, Mr. Gusto, and VP Copper, we won’t work anymore!”
“Yes, we won’t work anymore!”
Amidst the opposition and protests in the meeting center, the doors. were pushed open. Cecelia, dressed in a serious and elegant black professional suit, swiftly walked in with the current president, Ludwig Mavis.


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