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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Their Thoughts Were too Naive
The bustling conference center suddenly fell silent. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the two new leaders who walked in.
Ludwig Mavis was the newly appointed president of the Tangerine Group. The staff had already known him. But as the elegant and noble lady stepped onto the stage, the staff presented all felt surprised and curious.
She was Cecelia Linsey!
She was the daughter of former chairman Gary Linsey. But she personally overthrew Gary’s leadership in the Linsey Group and joined forces with the Middlebox Group to get rid of Gary and his team. Now, she alone was the ultimate leader of the Tangerine Group.
Such a woman, with an iron fist, single-handedly accomplished al revolution in leadership of this group. It could be imagined how terrifying she was.
Amidst the shock, people were curious about how the Tangerine Group would develop from now on. Similarly, they were curious about what Cecelia’s next move would be.
‘Will she target us?’ These executives wondered.
Just as everyone was speculating, Ludwig presided over and said, “Dear colleagues, greetings to everyone. 1 am Ludwig Mavis, the Executive President of the Tangerine Group. I am honored to host this middle and senior management meeting today.
“As everyone knows, the Linsey Group has now become the Tangerine Group. So I would like to introduce our new chairman, Cecelia Linsey!”
At that moment, everyone looked towards Cecelia. Even if they hadn’t interacted with Cecelia personally, they knew who she was. Many of the senior employees present were relatives or in-laws of the Linsey family. Seeing Cecelia become the chairman, these former loyalists of Gary looked down upon her.
“Cecelia, you are Mr. Linsey’s daughter. But your actions are truly confusing. You overthrown your father’s position. Was it necessary for you to do this?”
“A few years ago, when I first saw you, you were just a little girl. And now you have actually ousted your own father. This is a great betrayal!”
The two people accusing Cecelia were David Linsey the head of the
Chapter 280 Their Thoughts Were too Naive
sales department and Gary Linsey’s cousin, and Stephen Copper, the head of the production department and a distant in-law of Gary Linsey.
“You are so young. What achievements can you make? Even if your father made a mistake, we, the experienced veterans, are still in the company, right? It’s not very empathetic of you to be so ruthless!”
“That’s right! The Linsey Group is a huge company. It won’t go bankrupt so soon! I think we should make decisions after Mr. Linsey comes ‘back!”
David Linsey and Stephen Copper both opposed Cecelia taking over the company. Everyone had serious doubts about her abilities, considering she was too young.
They still supported Gary in their hearts and wanted to have Gary to return and take control of the company.
Cecelia had already figured out what they were thinking about.
Although Gary made so many mistakes, he had a vested interest in these executives.
As long as Gary was in power, he could provide them with the greatest benefits. Once ‘Gary was overthrown, their interests would also be affected. This was the main reason they were opposing Cecelia.
Because Cecelia’s intervention disrupted their original interest net. That was why they couldn’t stand her.
Cecelia coldly slapped the table, which made a crisp slapping sound. She scanned the crowd and said in an extremely dominant tone, “David, Stephen, and other executives present, I guess that you are still in dreams, are you? The Linsey Group you mentioned no longer exists. Now, this is the Tangerine Group, and I have the highest authority in the Tangerine Group!
“If anyone is dissatisfied or doesn’t agree with the new company rules, you can go to the finance department to get your last salary!” David immediately stood up, with a stern expression, and
questioned Cecelia, “Cecelia, at the very least, I am your elder. You should address me as Uncle. Are you trying to drive us away? What do you want to do?”
“What I want to do is simple. If you can do your job well, then do it. If you can’t, then leave. Now, the Linsey Group has become the Tangerine Group. Gentlemen, don’t you understand your position? It should be me asking you guys what you want to do. Why are you opposing me? What exactly do you want?” Cecelia coldly questioned.
Chapter 280 Their Thoughts Were too Naive
95% 12:21
David, Stephen, and other executives exchanged glances. Finally, David spoke on behalf of them, “We are not going against you. We just hope that you can revoke the shareholder resolution and bring back Mr. Linsey and VP Copper.”
Cecelia sneered, “That’s not for me to decide. Gary Linsey is currently at the police station. He’s under investigation. Once the evidence is conclusive, he will face imprisonment. It’s impossible for him to come back! As for VP Copper, what qualifies him to take over the company?”
“Even if they are not suitable, it should be my turn to be the
president. Your father and I are cousins. It’s most fitting for me to take over the company. How can you appoint someone else as the president of the company?” David asked reluctantly.
Someone chimed in, “Yeah, David can be a good choice to manage. the company! He is also a Linsey.”
David thought he had the support of everyone, so he confidently warned Cecelia, “Cecelia, if you don’t show any empathy, then we can’t continue working here.”
Stephen agreed, “That’s right! Unless David takes charge. Otherwise, I’m out too!”
“And me! Without us holding up the company, let’s see how long you can run it!”
There were directors of four departments standing up, threatening Cecelia.
They believed that as the leaders of the major departments, they held the key to the company’s operations and believed that the company couldn’t thrive without them.
They collectively used the threat of resignation to intimidate Cecelia, to see if she would be afraid.
Cecelia could only say that their thoughts were too naive!
“Fine. Mr. Mavis and I accept your resignation. You can leave now!”
Cecelia fearlessly made an immediate decision, without giving them any chance to negotiate.
These forces belonging to Gary had always controlled the major departments of the company and had been embezzling a lot. Cecelia just needed a good reason to get rid of them!
“What did you say?”
Chapter 280 Their Thoughts Were too Naive
David, Stephen, and the other two department directors were all dumbfounded. They were the heads of the four major departments of the company. Cecelia actually asked them to leave?
Stephen panicked a bit, but still couldn’t believe it, threatening, “Cecelia, think carefully. Without us, you, as the Chairman, won’t be able to continue!”
These four department directors had discussed beforehand, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to make more profits for themselves. But they didn’t want to lose their good jobs!
“Whether the company can be sustained is my business! Since your guys don’t want to stay, I won’t force you.”
Cecelia turned to Ludwig Mavis and said, “Mr. Mavis, have your assistant notify the finance department to do the final settlement for them!”
After giving the command, Ludwig instructed his subordinates to escort those department directors out of the conference center.
David, who was previously arrogant, was now in a state of panic and pleaded, “Cecelia, please don’t do this. I am your uncle. I have been working for this company for many years. You can’t just let me go like this!”
Stephen also said, “For so many years, if it wasn’t for my effective management of the production department, the department would not have grown to its current size. How can you kick me off like I’m a used ladder?”
“Since the ladder wants to eat me alive, why would I bother to keep it? For so many years, you and the other two department directors have been thriving in the company and have made a lot of illicit gains, haven’t you? Should I help you tally up all the unspeakable, nasty stuff you have done by the power of your positions?”


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