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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 322

On the third level, she ran into Rupert and Sam. Anxiously, she asked them, "Mr. Jackbone, Mr. Cosby, have you seen Remington?"
"Our boss was attacked, and he's chasing after the assailant. We're also looking for him."
"Please keep searching. We have to find him."
Just then, Sam looked down and unexpectedly saw someone falling into the sea from the lowermost deck at the stern.
"Someone fell into the water."
"Could it be Remington?"
Cecelia's heart was in turmoil as she joined Rupert and Sam in running toward the lowermost level.
Finally, they reached the bottom deck. On the stern's deck, Cecelia noticed a piece of clothing on the ground.
She picked it up and recognized it as Remington's suit jacket.
"This is Remington's."
The suit jacket lay abandoned on the ground, but Remington was nowhere to be seen.
Rupert also noticed a piece of fabric hanging on the ship's railing resembling part of a shirt. "There's a piece of shirt fabric hanging here. Could our boss have fallen into the sea?"
Cecelia's heart ached instantly as she looked down to see the dark, churning waters below. She wondered, "Did Remington fight with Black Hawk just now? Was Remington pushed into the sea?"
Sam also looked downward. "I saw someone falling into the sea earlier. It might be our boss! Quick! Prepare for a rescue!"
As they prepared to search for lifeboats, Roger arrived and finally found Cecelia.
"Miss Cecelia!"
"Captain Shawn, bad news! Remington might have fallen into the sea. We have to save him," Cecelia shouted anxiously.
Roger shook his head. "Remington didn't fall. It was Black Hawk. I just encountered Remington."
Upon hearing this, Cecelia felt a lump in her throat. "Where is Remington? Where is he now?"
"He went up to look for you," responded Roger.
Without hesitation, Cecelia ran back upstairs.
Remington had returned to the top deck where the performance hall was located. He asked anyone he came across, "Have you seen Cecelia?"
But everyone shook their heads, and someone told him, "Cecelia killed someone and ran away. Captain Shawn is trying to catch her."
Remington thought to himself, "Cecelia killed someone? Ridiculous!"
Remington searched all around but couldn't find Cecelia. He ran down to the lower levels, calling out her name.
Cecelia was also searching for Remington, all anxious and worried.
Whenever she encountered someone, she would ask if they had seen Remington.
She returned to the third level and ran into one of the ship's chief officers. She asked him, "Have you seen Remington?"
To her surprise, the officer nodded. "Yes, I just saw Mr. Nelson. He's injured. Miss Linsey, please come with me. I'll show you the way."
Upon hearing that Remington was injured, Cecelia assumed it was from his fight with Black Hawk, which made her even more worried.
"Okay! Please! Hurry up!"
Cecelia followed the chief officer to the lounge on the third level. But despite reaching the destination, she didn't see Remington.
She turned around and asked the officer, "Where is he?"
At that moment, an eerie smile appeared on the officer's face, and Cecelia noticed his hand reaching for a weapon at his waist.
"You're not a crew member."
She realized that he wasn't a genuine ship staff member but likely an accomplice of Black Hawk.
Before that guy could raise his gun, Cecelia threw her shoe, hitting him directly in the face.
Taking advantage of his momentary distraction, Cecelia launched her own attack, kicking away the weapon he held. They engaged in a fierce fight right then and there.
As Remington descended from the upper levels, he heard the sound of a scuffle coming from the lounge. Rushing in, he saw a man fighting with Cecelia. The man had pinned Cecelia to the ground, grabbing her by the throat.
Seeing this, Remington flew into a rage and dashed over to kick the man away.
The man was sent flying, but he then picked up a steel pipe and swung it at Remington.
Remington evaded the attack and engaged in a fight with that guy.
As an accomplice of Black Hawk, that guy was also skilled in combat. Remington fought him for over ten minutes, wreaking havoc throughout the lounge.
In the end, Remington managed to subdue him.
The guy lay defeated on the ground, and Remington relentlessly delivered blow after blow to his face until he could no longer fight back.
After dealing with that guy, Remington quickly ran over to Cecelia, who had already gotten to her feet.
"Cece, are you alright?"
His heart ached when he saw the bloodstains on Cecelia's lips and numerous scratches on her body.
"Remington, I'm fine."
Cecelia was relieved to see he was safe. However, she suddenly felt a lump in her throat, and tears began to well up in her eyes.
Remington pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly, and Cecelia did the same, embracing him with all her might.
After their narrow escape, they both realized how much they meant to each other. There was no one else who could ever replace the significance they held in each other's lives.
Just as they embraced, the guy, who had been knocked unconscious, woke up and threw a grenade towards them.


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