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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324 Wanting to Kiss Her 

Chapter 324 Wanting to Kiss Her 


The R&D department was the core department of the company, and the employees generally did not go out

Ronald didn’t expose Steven’s lie because when Steven lied to show off, he didn’t even have the qualifications to be Ronald’s opponent

A wave of frustration washed over Steven. He felt even more depressed when he saw Ronald and Ashley standing together so wellmatched

I’m not very familiar with the R&D department.Steven faked a smile and then continued to ask, Are you in charge of the R&D department?” 

No, I’m not,Ronald answered honestly, which made Steven seem petty

Since Ronald was not in charge, the crowd reasoned that he was just an ordinary employee. Everyone looked at each other, and it seemed they were right. Ashley didn’t have a good husband

Then, Ronald was seen as an ordinary employee who was just a little more handsome, not even in the same league as them

Twenty people were sitting around the large round table, and it was already packed with no empty seats. As the host of this gathering, Steven didn’t even ask the staff to add a chair when Ronald arrived

Clearly, he was particularly envious of Ronald and wanted to embarrass Ronald

Others could see it, too. No one would offend the wellknown young and successful Steven for a regular employee of a company like Ronald

Ashley felt sorry for Ronald when she saw him being excluded, and anger welled up inside her

She reached out and held Ronald’s hand, expressionless as she said to everyone, My husband is here to pick me up, so we’re leaving. Since we’re not on the same page, let’s never meet again. Farewell.” 

With her words, the whole room fell silent

Since they didn’t show any respect for Ashley, she didn’t need to be polite, either

Ashley was already feeling uncomfortable when Cynthia snatched her phone, and now Ashley finally flared up

Chapter 324 Wanting to Kiss Her 

7 13:42 

When Ronald saw Ashley standing up for him, a hint of unnoticed tenderness crossed her face

This girl always protects her loved ones


Ashley turned to her teacher and said, Mr. Lee, sorry about tonight. I’ll visit you another time.” 

Mr. Lee sensed that something was off and smiled. Drive safe!” 

Seeing that Ashley was about to leave, Steven hastily said, I drove a car here. Let give you a ride.” 

Ronald declined. No, thanks! I also drove here.” 

He didn’t care about this group’s attitude. Besides, Ashley clearly didn’t like them, so there was no need to interact with them further

Then I’ll walk you to the door.Steven insisted. I have something coming up as well, so let’s leave together.” 

Steven’s reaction displeased Ashley. After many years of being apart, she felt that Steven had become somewhat unfamiliar and aggressive

Cynthia laughed. I’ll go with you, too. Steven, can you give me a ride?” 

Steven called over a waiter, paid the bill, and shamelessly joined Ashley and the others

Ronald had parked the car in the open parking lot, and he walked with Ashley towards his car. The headlights of a Maybach turned on nearby

Steven approached from behind and opened the door of the 

Maybach, seemingly showing off, as he looked at Ashley and said, Ashley, how about 1 drive you guys back?” 

Ashley knew exactly what Steven was thinking. He was just showing off his luxury car

No, thanks!Ashley looked at Ronald again and said, Let’s go home.” 

Ronald smiled and ignored Steven, opening the car door and saying, Let’s go.” 

Steven’s face darkened when he saw Ashley get into a Chevrolet only worth a little over 15 thousand dollars

Ronald drove off. Steven’s face remained sour, and he couldn’t help. but kick a tire in frustration

Chapter 324 Wanting to Kiss Her 

1705 13:42 

Cynthia, who followed them out, saw this and deliberately smiled. Ashley’s husband is quite a good guy. He seems to treat her well, and they make a great match

Steven sneered. How can a pauper who drives a Chevrolet give Ashley happiness?” 


Hearing his tone, Cynthia knew that he was still reluctant to give up

Cynthia said, You and Ashley haven’t seen each other for so many years. You’re no longer on the same page now. Ordinary life might be exactly what she prefers.” 

Steven stared in the direction where Ashley left and said resentfully, Where there’s a will, there’s a way.‘ 


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