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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 The consequence of offending Miss Linsey
Seeing Mr. Williams arrive, Winnie immediately went up to greet him.
“Mr. Williams!”
“Mrs. Shawn!”
Williams had a good relationship with the Jackbone family. Hearing Winnie call him, he came over.
“What did you call me for, Mrs. Shawn?”
“Mr. Williams, I have to tell you that a woman is trying to seduce my husband. Now she’s also arguing over clothes with me in the same store. I hope you can put the homewrecker on your blacklist and kick her out of the shopping mall! I don’t want to see her for even one more second!”
“Oh? Which woman?” Mr. Williams asked.
“That one!”
Winnie pointed at Cecelia in the store.
Mr. Williams, immediately waved his hand. “You guys take that woman out!”
“Yes, sir.”
Those security guards quickly rushed into the store while Winnie and Camelia watched, looking smug.
The security guards came to Cecelia, and one of them shouted, “Miss, please leave the Prosperous Central Plaza immediately!” Cecelia turned around, looking at him with a cold face.
“Ask me to leave? On what grounds?”
“This is an order from our boss, Mr. Williams! He has put you on the blacklist. The Prosperous Central Plaza does not welcome you! Please take your friends to leave here right now!”
The security guard repeated the order, beginning to usher them out. Cecelia and Ariella looked towards the door, seeing Winnie talking to a man in a well-fitted suit.
She recognized the man. He was Mr. Williams of the Prosperous Central Plaza.
It seemed that Winnie Jackbone wanted to use her relationship with Mr. Williams to deal with her, right?
Chapter 81 The consequence of offending Miss Linsey
“Cecelia, let’s forget it! Let’s go somewhere else, shall we?” “I’m not leaving today. What can they do to me?”
Cecelia walked to the door, looking at Winnie and Mr. Williams.
“Want to drive me away? Can you tell me which law have I broken? I’m not allowed to be here?”
Seeing Cecelia coming near, Mr. Williams couldn’t help but take a closer look.
The woman is attractive, but is so eager to be a homewrecker. What a pity! he thought.
“Sorry, miss, you’ve offended my friends, so I have to ask you to leave,” Mr. Williams said.
Winnie added, “And put her on the blacklist, so she can’t come back. in the future!”
Mr. Williams immediately said to his assistant behind him, “Blacklist this woman and ask her to leave the shopping mall. Never let her come here again!”
“Yes, sir!” his assistant answered loudly, stepping forward to drag Cecelia away.
“Wait!” Cecelia stopped him and said, “Mr. Williams! If you apologize to me now, it’s still not too late. Otherwise, you will regret making this decision!”
Hearing her arrogant threat, Mr. Williams laughed, “Everyone in the entire Center City knows me, Maximus Williams! No one dares to talk to me like this. You are so arrogant! This is my turf. Whoever I want to stay stays. Whoever I want to leave leaves!”
Winnie and Camelia both looked smug and provocative.
“Cecelia Linsey, you’d better get out now!”
“Give me a minute. You’ll kneel to beg me to stay!”
Cecelia remained calm, a cold, arrogant smirk on her lips, showing she didn’t take anyone seriously.
“Hah, I’ll give you ten minutes! I’ll see if you can overturn the world.”
Maximus had met many arrogant people before, but never one like this.
Could she really turn the tables in just one minute?
Cecelia took out her phone and dialed a number. “Hello. this is
Chapter 81 The consequence of offending Miss Linsey
Cecelia Linsey.”
Hearing her name, the person answering the call asked respectfully, “May I help you, Miss Linsey?”
“Do you know Mr. Williams from the Prosperous Central Plaza?! want to go shopping at his mall, but he wants to blacklist and kick me out. Is this the proper way to do business?”
The man at the other end of the line gasped in shock.
“Mr. Williams is really looking for trouble! Please wait, Miss Linsey! I will handle it immediately!”
Cecelia hung up and looked at Maximus, and the latter checked his watch.
“It’s been a minute. What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?” Winnie added fuel to the fire. “Mr. Williams, don’t waste your time with her. She’s just trying to buy more time!”
“Guards!” Maximus then gave his order impatiently.
Those guards rushed over again when Maximus’s phone rang.
Seeing the caller ID, he was a bit shocked.
“Wait, I have an important call to answer!”
Maximus turned and answered the call respectfully.
“Hello, Senator Quinsey, nice to..”
The caller had high status. While answering the call, Maximus kept nodding and bowing.
“Why do you have time to call me? What are your instructions?”
What Senetor Quinsey said was unknown, but Maximus gradually stopped smiling, showing an expression of shock and incredulity.
Then he turned his head slowly to look at Cecelia. He was so embarrassed as if he had constipation.
“Oh! I get it. I understand… I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I was wrong. I know I was wrong! Give me another chance, Senator Quinsey!”
“Okay, I’ll give you a chance. Cecelia is not someone you can
provoke. You have to ask for her forgiveness! Otherwise, no one can save you!”
Senator Quinsey ended the call after saying this coldly.
Maximus turned and looked at Cecelia, horrified.
Chapter 81 The consequence of offending Miss Linsey
Cold sweat ran down his back. He clearly knew that he had provoked someone he shouldn’t have.
Senator Quinsey had said that if he offended Cecelia, he would seal, the Williams’s family property and confiscate the Prosperous Central Plaza, throwing him into jail for a good transformation.
He was simply too bold just now!
“Miss Linsey… I’m sorry… I offended you because I didn’t know who you are.”
“Could you show mercy, letting me off?”
Maximus was no longer arrogant as he had just been. Now he looked like a lowly se rvant.
Winnie and Camelia were stunned. Cecelia had offended Mrs. Quinsey. In theory, Senator Quinsey should resent Cecelia.
Why did he stand up for her?
Now, seeing Maximus’s attitude change dramatically, the two women were surprised.
They had wanted to teach Cecelia a good lesson with Maximus’s help, but Maximus succumbed now!
Cecelia glanced coldly at him with a faint, arrogant smile.
“Mr. Williams, you wanted to kick me out, didn’t you? You also wanted to put me on the blacklist, right?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were Miss Linsey. I was wrong. Please forgive me! If you forgive me, I’ll give you a lifetime free Super VIP Card. You can buy whatever you want in our shopping mall!”
“I don’t need it! The Prosperous Central Plaza will be someone else’s soon. You have no right to make this decision!”
Maximus was so afraid she would complain to Senator Quinsey, who would truly confiscate his Prosperous Central Plaza, so he begged her immediately.
“Miss Linsey, please! I do know I was wrong. Could you please point. me in the right direction?”


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