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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 Backlash is so powerful
Chapter 82 Backlash is so powerful
“Want me to forgive you, Mr. Williams? But you are not sincere enough!”
Making up his mind, Mr. Williams simply dropped to his knees in front of Cecelia.
His retinue behind him was shocked.
Mr. Williams knelt before a woman?
Who on earth was this woman?
Could she be the lover of Senator Quinsey?
“I’m sorry! I was wrong! I really didn’t know your identity!”
Maximus apologized while slapping his face repeatedly.
The onlookers could almost feel pain in their own faces hurt when watching him slapping his face hard again and again.
“That’s enough, Mr. Williams!”
Cecelia asked him to stop. She crossed her arms airily and looked contemptuously at Winnie and Camelia, asking, “Who wanted to blacklist me just now?”
Everyone looked at Winnie and Camelia, Maximus glared at Winnie. If it weren’t for taking her side, would he have gotten into such big trouble?
In order to ask for forgiveness, Maximus immediately said, “Please calm down, Miss Linsey. It was they who instigated me. I’ll blacklist them right now!”
“Mr. Williams!”
Winnie didn’t know what to say. After all, she was a daughter of the Jackbone family. Maybe he could ignore her, but he should show the Jackbone family some respect. Was he really going to blacklist her? “No more argument! From now on, the two women are blacklisted in the Prosperous Central Plaza and its nationwide chain malls!”
Maximus announced the result, and Winnie was pis sed.
Who would have expected the backlash to be so strong? The two women, who had had the upper hand moments earlier, were now blacklisted.
“And kick these two women out! I don’t want to see them anymore! Quick! Right now!”
With Maximus’s scolding, those security quards rushed over and
Chapter 82 Backlash is so powerful
caught Winne and Winnie, dragging them away rudely.
“Let go, let go of us…”
“Cecelia, d amn you! Let’s wait and see!”
Winnie and Camelia’s faces were covered in shame. They had never been so humiliated before. As they were dragged away, they kept cursing Camelia.
Winnie stopped looking, and Maximus said with a flattering face, “Everything has been faken care of, Miss Linsey. Enjoy your shopping. Here is our Super VIP Card. Please take it!”
Cecelia didn’t take his card, and Maximus issued an order to his
“Attention! From now on, whatever Miss Linsey and her friend buy, put all their expenses on my bill. They won’t have to spend a penny of theirs!”
The mall manager had noted it down.
“I told you it was unnecessary! Just get out of here!”
Hearing her shout, Maximus immediately retreated with respect, taking his retinue away.
Only when they had left did Camelia say, “How did you become so powerful, Cece? You made Maximus krieel and apologize with one phone call. Just thinking of it would feel exciting! And the two women were kicked out. Haha!1 guess they never dreamed of such a day.”
“I just happened to know someone! Let’s go inside again and try on the clothes I picked out for you!”
Cecelia took Ariella into the Vera store, where no one would disturb them while they were shopping.
Ariella tried on the clothes Cecelia had picked out for her. Sure enough, they fit perfectly.
“Oh, my G od, I never imagined I could wear Vera’s clothes. What a miracle!”
Looking at the girl in the mirror, Cecelia thought that men would all “wow” at her in these clothes, if only she could lose some weight.
The clothes were beautiful but too expensive.
Ariella said, “They’re pretty but too expensive. I’m not going to buy them.”
Chapter 82 Backlash is so powerful
“Ah? When did you pay?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just consider them a gift from me!”
Cecelia wanted to thank Ariella. When they were at school, Ariella helped her a lot and even covered her mother’s hospital expenses when she couldn’t afford them.
One good turn deserves another. She remembered the kindness of Ariella, and what she gave Ariella were just a few pieces of clothes.
“Oh, my Go d! Are you a rich woman now, Cece? You’re so generous!
Resting her head on Cecelia’s shoulder, Ariella said, “It’s an honor to have a friend like you! Why aren’t you a man? I’d definitely marry you if you were!”
Cecelia smiled, wishing to say it was also her honor to have a friend like her.
Now, Winnie and Camelia were dragged out of the shopping mall and pushed rudely away by those security guards.
“You just wait and see! You’re like dogs barking for those in power!” Camelia shouted in anger, and Winne was equally angry.
As a young lady of the Shawn family, she had never been treated. like this before. It was all because of Cecelia, the b*tch!
When these two women were shouting, Ophelia Linsey, who had just finished shopping, came out of the shopping mall.
Seeing the two women at the entrance, Ophelia greeted them in surprise.
“Mrs. Shawn and Miss Shawn, how come you are here?”
Camelia and Winnie both saw her.
Winnie couldn’t help but complain, “Oh, Miss Linsey. Your sister is really something. With the support of Senator Quinsey, she kicked the two of us out!”
“What? Kicked you out? She didn’t allow you to shop in the
Prosperous Central Plaza?” Ophelia asked in disbelief, as if she had heard something shocking.
“Not only that. She also blacklisted us,” Camelia added.
Ophelia nodded and said, “She’s just that kind of woman. You’ve all
et me tell you something. Not only Senator Quinsey but
Chapter 82 Backlash is so powerful
also Mr. Jackbone of Grande Club is her backer.”
Winnie was shocked. “Are you saying she has at the same time fooling around with my younger brother?”
“Yes! That night, when we went to Grande Club to sing karaoke…”
Ophelia told the two women in exaggerated detail how Cecelia had bullied others and explained the relationship between Cecelia and Mr. Shawn in great detail.
Winnie was angry after hearing that. “This b*tch is disgusting!”
She had not taken avenge on Cecelia for seducing her man yet, and she was now trying to h ook up with her brother? How disgusting she was!
The two women were indignant, speaking ill of Cecelia. Then they bade goodbye to Ophelia becausé Winnie was going to visit her brother.
Watching Winnie and Camelia leave, Ophelia creased her
lips into a sinister smile. Even if she couldn’t kill Cecelia, she would use someone to teach her a lesson!
She was gloating, so she didn’t notice that Cecelia and Ariella had come out of the shopping mall.
Seeing Ophelia, Cecelia said, “Isn’t this Miss Linsey? Why aren’t your at the hospital with your boyfriend, but instead running around here?”
Startled by her voice, Ophelia shook. She turned her head and saw her, a wave of hatred surging in her chest. “Cecelia Linsey!”


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