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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Cece Discovered the Secrets Hidden in the Secluded Cottage
Carlos and Remington had told her that a crazy maid had been locked up here. Was that really true?
Cecelia was so curious that she couldn’t help but head for the cottage.
The front door of the cottage was locked from the outside. She used. a wire and quickly unlocked the door.
She pushed the door in and the first floor was dark.
Cecelia turned on the flashlight on her phone to illuminate the room.
The house smelled musty, due to the door being closed all the time. and the lack of air circulation.
After finding the stairs leading upstairs, Cecelia slowly walked up the
The higher she went, the more clearly she could hear the sound of a woman.
The door upstairs was unlocked, and Cecelia took a deep breath, pushed it open, and went inside.
The room didn’t smell very good, and Cecelia saw a woman lying on the bed in the dim light.
There was a chain around her neck. Her hair was long and disheveled. She looked like a ghost, and her eyes showed desperation.
“Water… Water…”
The woman tried to reach for the glass of water on the bedside table, but she lacked the strength.
Cecelia was stunned by what she saw. Why hadn’t they sent this woman, who they said was a mad maid, to a mental institution? Why had they kept her here all this time?
The most unacceptable thing was that they tied her up like a dog. Seeing that the woman could not reach the glass of water, Cecelia went forward to help her get the glass and handed it to her.
The woman tried for a while and then reached for the glass with her shaking hands. Finally, she had some water.
After drinking the water, the woman seemed to have exhausted all her strength. The glass in her hand dropped to the floor.
She fell back on the bed and looked at Cecelia and asked in a harsh
Chapter 86 Cece Discovered the Secrets Hidden in the 2/4
voice, “Who are you?”
Cecelia was a little shocked. The woman’s words did not sound like she was crazy.
“I was just passing by. I heard you screaming and came to check it out. Who are you?” Cecelia asked.
The woman made a silent gesture, “Don’t say it so loud. They’ll hear you!”
“Young lady! Good girl, help me. Please save me. Get me out of here…
“Who are you? Why are you being held here?” Cecelia asked cautiously.
“My name is Maryam Snow. My sister is Aurora Snow, the wife of the eldest son of the Nelson family…
“Help me! Good girl, please…”
Listening to her introduction, Cecelia was shocked.
Aurora Snow was Remington’s mother, so Maryam was Remington’s maternal aunt.
Didn’t they say that a crazy underling was being held here? But why was Maryam the one being held here?
Cecelia had realized that this was something important. Maybe Remington didn’t even know that his aunt was being held here. Why was that?
Cecelia didn’t have time to think. She heard footsteps upstairs and said to Maryam, “Someone’s coming. I’ll hide first!”
Cecelia scurried into a hidden corner of the room.
Soon there were hurried footsteps outside the door. It was Carlos coming in with the food.
Seeing the lock on the outside door unlocked, Carlos realized the situation was not good, and he rushed upstairs to check. He was relieved to see the woman still in bed.
“Did someone come in here?”
Carlos asked as he put down the tray. “I don’t know…” Maryam replied weakly.
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picked her up to feed her.
In the dark, Cecelia wondered why Carlos had lied.
He knew there was no crazy underling here, but why would he lie? What was the point of keeping Maryam here?
Did Maryam have anything to do with Aurora’s missing?
What happened next gave Cecelia the creeps.
She had thought Carlos was a decent guy, but she hadn’t expected that after feeding Maryam, he would actually pin her to the bed and force her to have sex with him.
It was not the first time he had forced Maryam to have sex with him, judging by his fluid, and Maryam just suffered in silence.
When Carlos finished, Cecelia heard him say to the woman, “Don’t scream. I’m going back first. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
Carlos left and locked the door of the first floor from outside.
After confirming Carlos’ departure, Cecelia came out of the
shadows. She looked over at the woman lying on the bed, who had a desperate look in her eyes.
“Does Carlos do this to you often?” Cecelia asked.
Maryam nodded tearfully.
“Do you have anything to prove your identity? I need to confirm your identity before I can come to your rescue!” Cecelia asked.
Maryam thought for a moment and said, “Look, I have a purple birthmark on the back of my neck.
Cecelia walked over to look and then, as Maryam said, she saw her purple birthmark. “Okay. Just wait for me!”
Cecelia said and left the cottage.
The front door was already locked, so she jumped out of the second floor window and landed easily.
After returning to the Aroma Villa, Cecelia took a shower before returning to her bedroom on the first floor.
Maximus was already asleep on the small bed and Remington was still up.
Hearing her footsteps, Remington asked, “What took you so long?” Without answering, Cecelia asked after sitting down on the small bed, “Remington, is your aunt’s name Maryam? Do you remember?”
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“That’s right, why?”
“Do you know where she went?”
“My aunt had gone abroad. She emigrated many years ago and never came back, but she sent me postcards every year.”
In short, Remington’s aunt had left not long after his mother went missing.
“Where are those postcards?”
“In the drawer in my study.”
Cecelia left again. It wasn’t long before she returned with many postcards.
She looked at the postmarks on the postcards one by one and found that they were from all over the world.
“These postcards are all from different countries and places.”
“Well, my aunt likes to travel and go to different countries. Why are you asking my aunt all of a sudden?”
It turned out that in Remington’s memory, his aunt had gone on a trip abroad at that time.
Was the woman locked up in that secluded cottage his aunt?
“I saw a picture of you and your aunt on the wall. I’m just curious. Do you know if there are any distinguishing features of your aunt?”
Remington carefully remembered and said, “My aunt has a purple birthmark on the back of her neck that looked like a butterfly.
That was it!
The information from him confirmed the identity of this woman!
The woman in the cottage was indeed Maryam!
So his aunt didn’t travel abroad and then emigrate. She was, maliciously hidden in the isolated cottage of the Nelson Residence. To cover up the truth, they even lied to the others that a crazy maid was being kept there.
Thinking about this, Cecelia said in a serious tone, “Remington, I’m going to tell you something that will surprise you so much that you won’t be able to sleep.”
“What is it?” Remington felt a sudden tightening in his heart.


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