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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 After Learning the Inside Story, Young Master 1/5
Chapter 87 After Learning the Inside Story, Young Master Remi Was About to Lose Sleep
“Last time, I asked you who was living in the secluded cottage in the backyard of this house. Do you remember what you told me?
“You said it was a crazy underling. But I got curious and went over there today to take a look, and do you know what I saw?”
Remington felt his heart miss a beat. He wanted to know what she was going to say next.
“I saw a woman! She was chained!”
“And I talked to her. She’s not crazy at all, and she said her name. was Maryam Snow!”
“How is that possible?”
Remington couldn’t believe it, “My aunt isn’t abroad? Then who sent me those postcards…
“I didn’t believe it at first. Until she showed me the birthmark on her neck, which fit all your description. She was begging me to save her!”
Hearing this, Remington felt overwhelmed and clenched his fists.
“How did my aunt end up in this mansion? Who kept her there?”
“I don’t know. But I saw Carlos in and out of that house TAKEING CARE OF her.”
“Carlos must be the one who knows what’s going on, and he’s loyal to my grandmother.”
“Did your grandmother set this up? Unlikely!”
Cecelia continued her suspicions.
“I’m going to find my aunt!”
Remington couldn’t calm down and got up straight away.
Cecelia stopped him in time, “Take my advice, in your current,
condition, you’d better not alert your enemies yet. It won’t be too late to save your aunt until your eyes are healed.”
Remington looked exceptionally sad. When he thought of Maryam, he naturally thought of his mother, Aurora.
His Aunt Maryam took care of him just like his mother, but he never thought that Aunt Maryam would end up like this.
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There must be a big conspiracy!
Carlos was only a housekeeper. How could he do such a thing in secret?
When Remington closed his eyes, he could still hear his aunt and father arguing, His aunt wanted his father to pay with his life and to give her back her sister. He still remembered her wailing then.
“Do you remember the last time you saw your aunt?”
“After my mother disappeared, my aunt took care of me until one day I didn’t see her at home after school. Carlos told me she had left the country and left me a letter.”
“I went to my father and he also told me that my aunt had a foreign boyfriend and that she had traveled abroad with him.”
“That could all be a lie. You lost your mother. Your aunt loved and cared for you so much. How could she bear to leave you alone?”
Cecelia continued to hypothesize, “If I’m right, finding your aunt will most likely help you find your mother. Your aunt could be a very important clue.”
“Well, yes.”
Remington nodded, thinking that Cecelia’s analysis made sense. “Besides, I still kind of want to know what happened 18 years ago, about your mother.”
“Why didn’t your father look for your mother after she went missing, but married Renee?”
“You can never forgive him because he did this, right?”
Bringing up the incident of eighteen years ago was to dredge up a painful past that Remington least wanted to remember.
Back then, his mother disappeared, his father remarried, and he had a stepmother…
He felt his heart ache as he thought about it. His hands trembled slightly with anger.
The veins on the backs of his hands and arms stood out.
Seeing him so emotional, Cecelia sighed deeply, “You should know my father, Gary Linsey, right?”
“He took a new wife shortly after my mother died.”
“So I can understand the pain in your heart.”
“I can’t forgive my father either!”
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After Cecelia said this calmly, the two of them were silent for a long time.
Remington probably hadn’t expected her to share her stories so earnestly. He didn’t even think about the fact that she and he had almost the same experience.
Perhaps because of her sincerity, he gradually suppressed his anger.
He was finally ready to reveal the past that had been suppressed in
It turned out that when he was 8 years old, he saw his father and a woman getting into a car intimately.
His mother, Aurora, drove after them.
But his mother never came back after that.
The police searched all over Center City, but they couldn’t find her.
When this happened, Remington was in a lot of pain. Although he was blind, he felt the wetness and warmth in his eyes. He also felt his heart crushing with pain.
“Didn’t you ask your father? Your mother disappeared then because she went to chase him and that woman, didn’t she?”
“He had an alibi. When the police investigated, they only found the car my mother had left on the road, not her. They didn’t find any other compelling evidence.”
Although the police ruled out his father at the time, Remington had always believed that his mother’s disappearance was caused by his father’s infidelity.
He hated his father and would never forgive him!
“Remington, I think you’re actually a lot luckier than I am. My mother is dead! I found out after she died that her ashes were unaccounted for!
“And your mother is missing. As long as she hasn’t been found yet, you still have a chance to find her.”
Remington fell silent after listening. He hadn’t given up looking for his mother all these years.
It was just that he had never found his mother’s whereabouts until
His mother’s disappearance was long past the 15-year statute of limitations. The police had destroyed the files.
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He even suspected that his mother might have been killed long ago! If she was alive, how could she not come back?
Cecelia sighed softly, blinked her tearful, sour eyes, and said, “Well, it’s too late. Go to bed now!”
Neither of them spoke again during the long night.
For so many years, the subject of his mother’s disappearance had been his taboo. He was so sensitive about this subject. No one dared to mention it in his presence.
But today, Cecelia broke the hard shell of ice inside him and gave him a little comfort in his self-blame and guilt.
Their similar experiences allowed them to understand each other a little better. They were equally pitiful.
Remington would not be able to sleep tonight!
He had to arrange for his aunt to be rescued as soon as possible! He had to get better quickly to find out the truth about what happened back then.
The next morning…
Remington heard from Fredric that a large collection of jewelry and clothing had been delivered to Cecelia yesterday in his name.
He was very surprised, “How is this possible? How could I buy anything for her?”
“But it’s true that the orders were placed with your phone! I have already investigated! Do you remember who touched your phone yesterday?”
Remington thought for a moment, “It was Andres! Could it be him?”
Fredric thought about it and replied, “Maybe it was Young Master Andres. He must have wanted to be nice to Miss Linsey, so he used your phone to pay for those things through your facial recognition.”
Remington was speechless. How dare that little brat trick him like that!
No wonder there was a lot of information in Cecelia’s words yesterday that he couldn’t understand!
So it was his son who did this!
Now, even if he explained that he didn’t buy those things, he didn’t
ud baliquo him. Rocquen his son had used his
Chapter 87 After Learning the Inside Story, Young Master
phone to scan his face to pay for it.
He had no way to prove it!
Cecelia made breakfast as usual for Remington and Maximus.
Eventually, Remington couldn’t help but clarify, “Cecelia, there’s something I need to explain to you.”
“I didn’t buy all those presents yesterday. Don’t get me wrong! It was Andres. He used my phone and ordered them without permission!” Hearing this, Cecelia looked at Maximus, who was pretending to be Andres. Maximus shrugged.
He acted as if he was saying, “Hey, you, my irresponsible father, I did what I did. So what? You can’t even see me now. Hahaha…’
“I could have guessed that. It couldn’t be you!”
Remington wasn’t the kind of guy to send her gifts!
After breakfast, Cecelia wanted to go to the hospital to visit Madam Nelson.
She prepared some food and put the food in the lunch boxes, then she went out in the car of the Nelson family.
It didn’t take long for the car to arrive at the hospital.
Cecelia went to the ward. Just as she reached the door, she heard a deafening argument coming from inside.


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