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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Never Ever Offend Her
Chapter 94 Never Ever Offend Her
Andres made a gesture to tell Cyrus that they couldn’t just leave like this. It was too easy for the kidnappers.
They wanted them to know their strength!
Andres was definitely a master of this.
He ran to a shelf and pushed hard.
Suddenly, a shelf was pushed down, and then all the shelves fell like Domino.
Those antique treasures all fell down and smashed.
“Ha ha, it’s fun. I want to play, too.”
Cyrus understood what he meant. He also ran to another shelf and pushed hard, but he didn’t move it. He could only ask Andres.
Andres came to help, and the two children worked together to push down the shelves, and the whole row of shelves also collapsed. When Finley came here with Cecelia, he heard a loud sound. Cecelia asked, “Mr. Gordon, what’s going on inside?”
“Oh, da mn…”
As soon as Finley heard the sound, he knew that it was the sound of his treasures falling to the ground in the warehouse. He quickly opened the door and ran in
At a glance, he saw that all the shelves inside collapsed, all kinds of antique porcelain were smashed, and Finley’s blood pressure almost soared.
“Who did it!” he shouted.
It was killing him, wasn’t it?
Finley was about to spit blood out of desperation. Cecelia saw that there was a mess in it and no one was there. She asked, “Mr. Gordon, where are my two sons? Where are they? Don’t lie!”
Hearing mommy’s voice, two children ran out of the side corner.
Cyrus ran to her, and Andres also came.
“Cyrus, Andres!”
Cecelia opened her arms to embrace them, and finally held them in her arms
Chapter 94 Never Ever Offend Her
Seeing that the children are not injured. Cecelia was relieved.
At the end of the hug, she crouched down and asked, “Son, how are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Cyrus cried with a smile, “Mommy, we are OK. I knocked down the bad people here and saved Andrés. Then Andres came up with an idea. We pushed down all the shelves. It’s fun!”
“I see!”
Finley heard that it was the two children who knocked down all the shelves. He couldn’t believe it.
“It’s your two little things who did it! Look what you’ve done? Smash all my goods!”
Cecelia stood up, curved her lips and asked, “Mr. Gordon, just now you said that your people and your life are mine. How come now you say they are your goods? Blame yourself. You took them here.
Finley was so angry, but he couldn’t say it. “It’s not like that. I’m not worried about my stuff… I mean, it’s a good smash! My warehouse needs renovation. Ha ha ha.”
“Do you want me to help you smash the rest of the shelves?” Cecélia asked with a smile.
“No need, no need… Are you tired, Miss Linsey? Please take these two little guys back! Today, I did something wrong. I apologize. I’m sorry.
Finley didn’t dare to argue with Cecelia. Now his life was her decision. He had to beg her, say nice things to her and follow her instructions.
“Well, I’ll take them back.”
Cecelia took the children and turned away.
“Miss Linsey, take it easy! Don’t forget the antidote!”
Finley waved to her at the back and looked back at the warehouse. His heart was dripping blood.
If he had known that he would lose so much, he would not have dared to offend the woman.
It was not easy to deal with the woman, and it was the same with her children. He was bankrupt!
Cecelia and the children came out from the side of Finley’s warehouse. Verda and Filo had parked the car nearby. Seeing them come out, the two people immediately came over.
Chapter 94 Never Ever Offend Her
“Miss Linsey!”
“Miss Linsey! Are you all okay?”
“I’m OK.”
“Cyrus! Andres! I’m sorry for this!”
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Today, it was Philo who took the children out. Her carelessness gave the gangsters a chance to take them away. She was particularly guilty.
“It’s okay, Philo. We are not afraid at all! Don’t blame yourself!”
Verda also liked Cyrus and Andres. She liked to make jokes with children.
He squatted down and cried with a child’s voice, “Cyrus! Andres! Scared us to death, you are good now! If you have an accident, what can you mommy and us do?”
“Don’t cry, Uncle Verda, you look so ugly when you cry! We can’t stand it!”
Although most of the time, Cyrus was sweet, but when he wanted to make fun of others, he was a pro.
“Oh… My little heart was injured again… Cyrus, can’t you comfort me and say something nice?” Verda asked with an exaggerated expression.
“You are a big man and you want me to comfort you. You suck!”
Cyrus despised him and sighed, “Ah, how can men now be so vulnerable?”
Verda felt like he had another cut in his heart.
Philo, who has always been known for his coldness, was amused. He couldn’t help laughing and kicking Verda.
“Cyrus is right. What comfort do you want as a big man? Fuck off!” After that, she took the two children’s hands and said, “let’s go, Andres and Cyrus, I will take you home to eat delicious food.”
“I want a hug, Philo!” Cyrus took the opportunity to hold Philo again. “Good! A hug!”
Verda also came over and said, “Philo, I also want a hug!” Philo returned to him with three words, “Leave us alone!” “Hahaha…”
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Chapter 94 Never Ever Offend Her
Everyone was laughing. Verda only made such jokes in front of Philo. In front of others, he was a very strict person.
Back to Bluebell Mansion, Cecelia cooked delicious meals for them.
After eating and checking the children’s study in recent days, she was ready to return to the Nelson’s house.
Cyrus asked about Max, “Mommy, how is Max? He’s always being a silent baby. Isn’t he bored?”
Cecelia didn’t know what to say, “How could it be? Without your speaking in front of him, he couldn’t be happier.”
“He must have forgotten me! I am not happy! Tell him that I will only be Andres’ friend. I won’t hang out with him anymore!”
“OK, next time I’ll take you out together.”
After saying goodbye to the children, Verda sent Cecelia to the Nelson family and asked, “Miss Linsey, would you like me to follow you in?”
“No need. Go back first and speed up the investigation.”
Cecelia walked in on her own and walked along the familiar road towards the Aroma Villa.
The sun was setting and the sky was glowing.
The Nelson family’s garden was very large and beautiful. While walking, Cecelia checked her mobile phone messages and went to a place with rich plants. She saw a blur’shadow in front of her.
Suddenly, a guy stood in front of her, blocking her way.
Cecelia almost ran into that guy. She stepped back and looked up to see who was blocking the road. She was shocked.


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