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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 Get Changed Right in Front of Him?
Chapter 95 Get Changed Right in Front of Him?
“Mr. Ronald?” Cecelia looked at Ronald, who was blocking her way and asked, “Why are you here?”
“I’m waiting for you.”
Ronald stood with his hands behind his back, staring intensely at Cecelia’s beautiful face.
His desire was written all over his eyes. Cecelia asked calmly, “Oh, why? Is there anything I can help you with?”
“I have a gift for you. Take a look and see if you like it!”
Ronald handed over a velvet jewelry box. He opened it to reveal a very expensive necklace inside.
Cecelia glanced at it and chuckled. “Mr. Ronald, I’m afraid you gave the gift to the wrong person. It should be for your wife, shouldn’t it?” “I only want to give it to you. I think this necklace suits you very well, and only you deserve it.”
Ronald tried to please her with a gift, but Cecelia refused, saying, “Sorry, I can’t accept this, as I have not done anything to deserve it. Besides, I am Remington’s wife.”
Ronald expected this response and continued, “You have come to the Nelson family for a long time. Taking care of my younger brother must be difficult. However, you should know that he can never be your husband.”
“What do you mean?” Cecelia asked.
“My brother has someone he likes, and that woman isn’t you. No matter how much you do for him, he will never appreciate it. Moreover, the agréement he signed with you indicates everything. doesn’t it?” Ronald proposed, “You can get nothing from him. Why don’t you be my girlfriend? I can give you everything you want.”
Whether Remington had anyone he liked was of no concern to Cecelia. She just figured out that Ronald was hitting on her.
“Thank you for your interest, Mr. Ronald. But are you sure you can give me what I want?”
Cecelia crossed her arms and gave a faint, captivating smile.
However, there was a hint of coldness and disdain for the ignorant in her eyes.
“Of course, I am currently the CEO of the Cathail Republic region for Sierra International and the acting CEO of the Nelson Group. Besides, if you become my girlfriend, you will know that I’m
Chapter 95 Get Changed Right in Front of Him?
As Ronald spoke, he moved closer to Cecelia and even wanted to embrace her.
Before he could finish his sentence, Cecelia lifted her knee and hit him hard.
Ronald was caught off guard. He closed his legs and clutched his groin in pain, paling and even unable to utter a complete sentence. “Cecelia, you….”
“Mr. Ronald, I don’t care about what you want to give me. And your can’t give me what I want at all. Just go play these little tricks on some young girls!”
Cecelia rudely stepped on his foot in high heels and walked away without looking back.
Ronald endured the pain and looked back at Cecelia’s figure, feeling both angry and unwilling to give up.
If he couldn’t get rid of her, then he would find a way to get her.
He didn’t believe that there was any woman he couldn’t get.
In his eyes, Cecelia was just pretending to be a lily girl.
When Cecelia went back to the Aroma Villa, she met Fredric. Fredric said, “Miss Linsey, I was just about to call you! We found Terrell. He was attacked and knocked unconscious, but he’s okay now.”
“I see.”
Cecelia returned to her room, and Remington heard her enter. He stood up from his wheelchair and asked, “Cecelia, you’re back.”
“Are you injured?”
It was evident that he sounded a bit nervous.
Cecelia walks past him and sneered. “What’s wrong? Why are you so nervous? Are you concerned about me?’
“Ha! How would I be concerned about you?”
Remington still wore a cold expression and denied it. “I’m just worried that if you die before we divorce, I’ll become a widower. Widower sounds terrible, and I don’t want to be one.”
After listening to his words, Cecelia didn’t contradict him. “Don’t worry. You’re not dead vel. How could I die?”
Chapter 95 Get Changed Right in Front of Him?
Remington was speechless.
“Why can she always drive me crazy when she speaks?” thought Remington.
Remington sat down in anger and heard her walking away. He said, “Tomorrow, I’ll have a bodyguard follow you.”
“No, thanks! You’re so vulnerable with such poor eyesight. It’s better to have a bodyguard follow you.
“Hey, you’re simply….”
Remington was so angry that he wanted to shout at her, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly saw a glimmer of light.
He couldn’t believe it. He could actually see a little bit of light.
He blinked and found that he could still see it. Although it was blurry, he could indeed see the light.
Remington was extremely excited. He reached out his hands and looked at them, surprised to find that he could see the outline of his hands.
It was really a great sign, which indicated that it wouldn’t be long before the blood clot in his brain dissolved, and it was likely that his vision would be restored.
Remington looked out the window and found that he could see the outline of the trees. Then he looked back inside and saw a figure moving not far from him.
Upon closer inspection, he wondered if Cecelia was changing clothes right in front of him.
He could make out the silhouette of her back.
He thought to himself, “What the h’ll? Does she really think I’m blind? She’s actually getting changed right in front of me?”
There seemed to be a faint blur filter on everything in Remington’s sight, making Cecelia’s graceful figure appear somewhat mysterious.
Especially when Cecelia tossed her hair, she was very seductive.
Somehow, when Remington was watching her getting changed in front of him, his heart raced.
He couldn’t help but swallow. When Cecelia turned around, he quickly looked around and pretended to be blind.
Cecelia didn’t notice his strange behavior and went to the bathroom
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Chapter 95 Get Changed Right in Front of Him?
Because she had been touched by Ronald’s filthy hands just now, she felt disgusted and planned to clean herself up right away. The sound of rushing water could be heard from the bathroom.
As Remington listened to it, his heart thumped even more violently. He realized that Cecelia had already greatly affected his emotions. “Could she be Lilian?” he wondered.
He couldn’t be sure.
Originally, he only loved Lilian, and he knew he shouldn’t have feelings for any other woman. Therefore, he must make a decision
If Cecelia was Lilian, he would cherish her.
If she was not, he must give up on her and end this relationship that should not exist as soon as possible.
Remington, groped his way out of the bedroom with a cane and asked Fredric to come.
“Mr. Nelson, what can I do for you?”
“Fredric, is there anyone else in the house? Is Andres here?” asked Remington.
“Mr. Andres is not here, and there is no one else.”
Remington was relieved and ordered, “There is something I need you to do.”
“Yes, Mr. Nelson. Please just let me know!”
“Cecelia was taking a shower in my bathroom. Get some of her hair and some of Andres’s hair or nails for a paternity test. I’d like to see if she is my child’s biological mother.”
“What if she is not?”
“Help me with the divorce papers with her. I can’t bear it anymore.”
“All right.”
Fredric had no choice but to obey the order and planned to start collecting Cecelia’s hair in a while.
At that moment, Cecelia came out after taking a shower and happened to hear the last sentence Remington said to Fredric.
“Divorce? He can’t bear it anymore? He just hates me that much?” thought she to herself.
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Chapter 95 Get Changed Right in Front of Him?
Then, she walked into the living room and asked with feigned ignorance, “Remington, what are you talking about?”


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