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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Her Identity Will Soon Be Revealed
Chapter 98 Her Identity Will Soon Be Revealed
“So you’re just itching for me to divorce your brother? Weren’t you acting like you two were close brothers before?”
Upon hearing Cecelia’s words. Samson felt so embarrassed that he wished the ground could open and swallow him in
He hurriedly explained. “I’m sorry. I’m not itching for it. I just heard…
“Mr. Samson, you had better not think too much before Remington and I really get a divorce.” Cecelia walked past him, causec, arc said, “Although I quite like young men, you’re not young enough.. What a pity!”
Samson was dumbfounded.
Upon hearing this, Remington couldn’t help but think of Cecelia’s previous comment about him being an old stick-in-the-mud which made him feel quite unhappy.
He thought to himself, “Does she only show interest in those at son’s young age? Could it be that she has a fetish for chigren Samson is not young enough? I don’t think he’s old at all.
Seeing that Cecelia was about to leave. Samson quickly grabbed her wrist. “Leah, I’m three years younger than Remington. I just look a bit mature, but actually….”
Before he could finish his sentence. Cecelia coldly interrupted. “Samson, I’m your sister-in-law. Please take your hand off me?”
At this moment, Remington could tell that Samson was bothering Cecelia, and wondered if Samson was making a move on Cecelia
Remington couldn’t tolerate Samson doing anything inappropriate behind his back, so he came up with a mischievous icea.
Remington let out a scream and then lay on the ground, shouting for help.
“Help! Someone help!”
Cecelia and Samson both heard the cries for help.
“Oh, no!”
Recognizing Remington’s voice, Cecelia broke free from Samson’s grip and rushed toward the sound.
Samson didn’t know what was going on, but he followed along.
They crossed a patch of bushes, and by the dim light of a streetlamo Cecelia saw a man lying on the amund
Chapter 98 Her Identity Will Soon Be Revealed
She ran up to check on him. “Remington! What happened?”
“Is that you, Cecelia? Please help me! I fell and hurt myself!” Remington waved his hands in the air.
“What are you doing here at this late hour?” Cecelia complained and held his hands, helping him to his feet.
Remington rested his arm on her shoulder and leaned against her.
“Where did you go just now? Why, didn’t you come back so late? Don’t you know that I can’t live without you?’
Upon hearing his cheesy words, Cecelia glanced at him, thinking he had gone crazy.
“I went to see Andres and had Fredric take him to get a haircut. His hair has grown too long,” Cecelia explained.
A haircut?
Remington thought the arrangement was good, as he could get a lock of the child’s hair.
“All right. Let’s go home, Cece. I feel like it’s all dark and unsafe without you by my side.”
After he finished speaking, he even leaned his head on Cecelia’s shoulder, showing a very dependent look.
“Cece? Ugh! I’m going to vomit,” thought Cecelia.
She was clever and aware that Remington might have overheard her conversation with Samson, so he started to put on a show here. “He’s really good at acting. So is his show for Samson?” thought Cecelia.
Samson did see everything. As he watched the interaction between Remington and Cecelia, Samson suddenly began to doubt what his mother had told him.
“Will Remington really divorce Cecelia? I don’t think he plans to do that at all,” thought Samson to himself.
“Let’s go! It’s getting late. Let’s go back!”
Cecelia glanced at Samson because she was speaking to him.
Samson had no excuse to keep them there, so he turned around and left, looking a bit dejected.
After Samson had left, Cecelia supported Remington and headed toward the Aroma Villa.
Chapter 98 Her Identity Will Soon Be Revealed
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“Can you move your head away, you freak?” Cecelia asked crossly. “How can you call me a freak? Your words sound so unpleasant.” Remington lifted his head, feeling annoyed, not understanding why this woman spoke so rudely.
“If you don’t like listening, you don’t have to listen.” Cecelia bluntly pointed it out. “Did you really have to go that far just to upset your brother? How about I give you an Oscar for Best Performance?”
“Hmph! He deserves it. He broke his promise and tried to pursue my beloved woman.'”
Remington didn’t even realize what he blurted out meant.
“I am not your beloved woman, so watch your words!”
Remington was stunned and zipped his lips, realizing that he had said something wrong.
After all, she was just his temporary wife in name only.
As they approached the Aroma Villa, they heard hurried footsteps in the distance, as well as Carlos’s voice.
“Hurry! You guys split up and search! We must find her!”
Those people were all holding flashlights and dispersed.
When Carlos and two others passed by the Aroma Villa, Cecelia asked, “Carlos, it’s so late at night. What are you looking for?”
Carlos was startled for a moment as he was busy looking for, someone and didn’t notice Cecelia and Remington standing in the
“Good evening, Miss Linsey! We’re looking for Maelynn. Why haven’t you rested yet?”
Carlos’s eyes flickered with panic as he made up an excuse.
“We just finished our walk and are ready to go back.”
“All right. We’ll get out of your hair. We’re going to look for Maelynn.
Carlos hurriedly left with his men.
After going back to the Aroma Villa, Cecelia threw Remington onto the couch and poured herself a glass of water.
After drinking the water, she murmured, “Weird. Maelynn went missing on the day of the fire. It’s been a few days. Why are they still looking for it?”
Chapter 98 Her Identity Will Soon Be Revealed
Seeing Remington’s sullen expression, Cecelia suddenly widened her eyes.
She guessed, “Remington, have you already taken action? That small building…”
What else could make Carlos so anxious besides Maryam’s disappearance?
“Yes, I have already rescued her and confirmed that she is my aunt,” Remington responded, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.
As he spoke, veins stood out on his forehead and he seemed to be holding ‘back’ his emotions.
He hated them..
He hates those who imprisoned his aunt.
He hated those who had deceived him for so many years even
He always thought his aunt was still abroad and probably married, but he never expected that she was living a miserable life nearby. “Have you met her? What are you planning to do?”
“I haven’t met her yet, but I plan on going to see her tomorrow. I need to get to the bottom of this.”
Cecelia also supported his investigation. Perhaps they could uncover some insider information and the truth from Maryam.
Fredric brought Andres back that evening, and Cecelia took a glance at her son’s new hairstyle. It was only a little shorter, and there didn’t seem to be much change.
“Let’s go, Andres. Go upstairs and take a shower!”
Cecelia took the child away, and Remington asked Fredric, “Did you get everything?”
“Yes, I’ve got the hair and nails.”
Fredric had a look of “please praise me” on his face, and said happily.
“Great! Send it for a test tomorrow morning!”
“Gel il dono a 2000 ac porrible! I want to know the results within
Chapter 98 Her Identity Will Soon Be Revealed
three days!”
“Got it!”
Remington nodded, feeling excited. He would finally know her identity in just three days.
Chapter 99 The Truth Back Then


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