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Married by Accident Taming the Billionaire (Cecilia) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 The Truth Back Then
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Cecelia had planned to take Maximus to play with Cyrus and Andres the next morning while Remington went to visit his aunt.
But Remington stopped her and said, “Cecelia, come with me!”
“Don’t you have Mr. Ingerwood and the others’ company?” Cecelial asked in response.
“Fredric has something to attend to today and needs to take a leave. Can you accompany me instead?”
“Miss Linsey, I have some personal matters to attend to at home today. Please go with Mr. Nelson!” Fredric quickly chimed in.
“I remember Mr, Ingerwood mentioning that you’re an orphan. So, how would you have a family?”
Cecelia had a good memory and could easily find loopholes in Fredric’s excuse.
“Uh…” Fredric couldn’t remember when he had talked about this before and wondered what he should do now.
He felt like getting a slap in his face, and it was so embarrassing. Luckily, Remington had a quick wit and explained, “He grew up in an orphanage, and that is his home.”
“Yes, Mr. Nelson is right.” Fredric nodded vigorously.
“What about Winger and Whitegon?”
“You can still go with me even if they follow me, can’t you? Will your accompany me or not?” Remington was losing patience.
Cecelia knew that Remington wanted to send Fredric to have the text done, and Fredric was just making excuses.
“Alright. Let’s go then!”
Without further questioning, Cecelia pushed the wheelchair and asked her son to leave together.
After they left in the car, Fredric got into another car and drove away from the Nelson’s, heading straight to the most authoritative hospital and submitting two samples.
Then he paid triple the fee and asked them to speed up the process. so that they could get the results within three days.
After completing this task, Fredric left.
Chapter 99 The Truth Back Then
Several cars were parked in front of a serene villa.
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Cecelia got out of the car with Remington and Andres, while Winger and the other bodyguards stayed outside.
Remington didn’t use his wheelchair. Cecelia helped him up the steps and knocked on the door. Soon, a nanny opened the door for them.
“Good day, Mr. Nelson!”
The nanny bowed. She was arranged by Remington to take care of his aunt.
“Has my aunt woken up?”
“Yes, Ms. Snow has already woken up and had some breakfast.”
Remington nodded and they all went inside.
Due to Maryam’s long imprisonment, she was very weak and couldn’t walk like a normal person. Even after eating, she still had to lie in bed and rest.
Cecelia went in first to check on her, while Remington waited at the door.
When the woman on the bed heard a sound, she turned her face and saw someone coming in. She slowly sat up.
At the sight of Cecelia, Maryam shouted excitedly, “Girl, you’re here.”
“Are you feeling better?” Cecelia asked with concern.
Maryam’s eyes turned red, and she held her hand. “I-I’m much better. Thank you! Thank you for saving me!”
“Actually, it wasn’t me who saved you. It was your nephew.” “My nephew? You mean Remington?”
Cecelia nodded, “He’s here too. Do you want to see him?”
“Yes! I want to see Remington. Please let him come in!”
Maryam had tried to survive until now just to reveal the truth one day.
“Wait a minute.”
Cecelia helped Remington inside and had him sit on a chair by the bed. “You may have a talk. I’ll go out first.”
“No need to go out. Just stay here!” Remington said.
Chapter 99 The Truth Back Then
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It was Cecelia who first discovered the matter about his aunt, so she could stay and listen.
“Remington, are you really Remington? You’ve grown up and become an adult.
Maryam looked at the handsome and tall man in front of her, unable to bélieve that he was her nephew. When she was locked up, he was only eight years old.
In the blink of an eye, he had grown up.
“Auntie, it’s me, I’m Remington. I’ve grown up.”
Remington reached out his hand, wanting to hold his aunt’s, but he couldn’t find it after searching for a long time.
Maryam noticed his strange behavior and asked, “What’s wrong? Remington, your eyes…”
“Mr. Nelson was in a car accident recently, and a blood clot compressed his nerves, causing him to go blind,” explained Cecelia. “Blind? You can’t see anything at all? Remington…” Maryam broke down in tears, feeling so sad to see her nephew in this condition. Thinking about her sister’s tragic fate and now her nephew’s misfortune, Maryam was heartbroken.
As Remington listened to his aunt crying, he, who had always been tough as nails, couldn’t help but be deeply moved and his eyes turned red.
“Auntie, I’m okay. I’ll get better. Please don’t cry!”
Finally, he could hold his aunt’s hands, feeling how thin and withered they had become. They were nothing like the soft hands of the young woman he remembered.
“Auntie, I’m sorry for what you’ve suffered all these years.”
Maryam couldn’t stop crying, thinking about all the years of humiliation and injustice she had endured. She was in so much pain that tears kept streaming down her face.
“Auntie, I thought you were abroad all these years. I received postcards from you every year. I thought you were living a good life, but I didn’t know you were actually at the Nelson’s. What on earth happened?”
Remington felt very guilty when he thought about it and wanted to find out the truth as soon as possible.
“It was them who kept me locked up.”
“Who? Carlos? Why did he do that?”
Chapter 99 The Truth Back Then
“That’s be-because of your dad.”
“My dad? Why?”
Remington’s eyebrows furrowed and anger welled up inside him. “Why did my father have Carlos imprison my aunt?” he wondered. Maryam was crying as she recounted what happened years ago. “After my sister had an accident, I sorted through her belongings and found something. Then, I found out that it was a recording player. I played the recording inside and heard a quarrel between my sister and him.”
“What did they quarrel about? Is it related to my mother’s disappearance?” Remington asked.
“Yes, it must be related. My sister knew he kept a mistress outside, so she wanted to divorce him and even threatened to make his evil deeds public and show everyone his true face. Your father said if she dared to leak it out, he would kill her.” Maryam choked up and couldn’t continue.
Remington looked sad and angry. He complained silently, “Go d! Why would I have such a father? Why?”
After a moment, Maryam continued, “I suspect that my sister wasn’t just missing, but was actually killed by him, because my sister knew one of his secrets, and he must have put her to death because of that secret. When I confronted him about it, he was afraid I would reveal the secret, so he locked me up and even fabricated false evidence that I had emigrated abroad. Remington, for all these years, I never actually left the Center City. I’ve been locked in the Nelson’s all the time.”
The most dangerous place was often the safest place, and that was why those people hid ‘Maryam in the Nelson’s.
“Alas!” Remington sighed deeply, unsure of how to comfort her.
After listening to Maryam’s story, Remington had a doubt. “Auntie, what is the secret that you and my mom know?”


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