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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 367

Chapter 367

Meredith scoffed in disdain. “What bullsh*t is that? When did I do all those things to you? You’re the one who’s seducing Jeremy with this face of yours. You’re the one who did all of these things. So even if I want to harm you in the future, you have only yourself to blame.”

“Myself to blame?”

“You were the one who brought trouble upon yourself! You btch! You’re as cheap as that btch Madeline. Both of your deaths would not be regretted!”

After Meredith’s shrieks, Madeline did not hesitate to slap Meredith across the face.

Meredith was stunned for two seconds. When she was about to curse at Madeline, Madeline yanked her collar, and in that instant, she found that it was difficult to breathe.

Meredith lifted her head and was met with Madeline’s sharp eyes. Then, there was a cold glint flashing in them. Meredith could not help but tremble.

“I brought trouble upon myself? My death won’t be regretted? How can you say these inhumane words until this day?”

Madeline’s words were as cold as ice while her eyes were as sharp as knives.

“Six years ago, you drugged Jeremy and accused me of those inexistent crimes. You made everyone think that I shamelessly climbed into his bed because I wanted to get my hands on him.

“Because of your one-sided story and countless meticulously planned traps, I was wrongfully imprisoned for three years. I was locked up for more than a thousand days where I was tortured mercilessly by those people you hired. You even inhumanely induced labor on my unborn child! In the end, I didn’t even get a chance to see my child before she was killed by you adulterous pigs!

“And do you think I don’t know about you killing my grandfather?”

Madeline yanked Meredith on her collar. Her eyes were red and it was as if sharp knives were shooting out from them. They were stabbing mercilessly at Meredith who was already stunned.

“All of my pain came from you and Jeremy, and you have the nerve to tell me that I brought them upon myself?”

Madeline scoffed mockingly before letting go of Meredith’s collar. “Meredith, you’re the one bringing trouble upon yourself that you’re now faced with such an ending.”


After she finished saying that, the conjugal room plunged into silence.


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