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Married by Mistake: Mr. Whitman’s Sinner Wife novel Chapter 368

Chapter 368

“Go and tell him then.” Madeline scoffed. “Do you think he’ll believe you or me?”

“…” Meredith’s eyes became lifeless. She had nothing to say to that.

She did not dare, or rather, she would never tell Jeremy the truth!

If Jeremy knew that Vera was Madeline, not only would he not believe Madeline, but he would even be happy and surprised. He would use all of his power to pamper her, love her, and dote on her.

Jeremy loved Madeline, especially after she ‘died’. His love for her had always been prejudiced and he had kept it in the deepest part of his heart.

When she saw that Meredith was speechless, Madeline smiled. “Or perhaps you can tell your current parents. You can tell them that I’m Madeline. However, do you have the guts to do that?”

“…” The corners of Meredith’s lips twitched. The aggressive glint in her eyes wanted so badly to crush Madeline into fine dust, but to be honest, she did not have the power to do so.

Plus, she could not tell Eloise and Sean that Vera was, in fact, Madeline.

Meredith did not forget that three years ago, Madeline had already known she was the real Miss Montgomery.


While Meredith was spacing out, Madeline tossed a phone in front of her.

“Have you seen this? The internet is filled with scoops about you and your dark past. Jeremy also announced on his official Twitter page that your marriage with him is ineffective. He said that you two never even got a marriage certificate. You’re not his wife. So from the looks of it, he doesn’t love you that much as well.”

“Madeline, you she-devil!” Meredith was fuming. She wanted to attack Madeline, but her movements were limited.

Madeline took back her phone carefreely and stood up gracefully. “Yell at me. Go on. I’m not Madeline Crawford anymore anyway.”

She smirked. Then, all ten of her long and slender fingers pressed down on the table. Her strong aura was suffocating Meredith.


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