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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086 The Road to Hell
Cherise hadn't realized that Damien would be willing to risk both his life and that of his men to rescue her father.

"Sir," Mr. Hampson gathered the courage to speak up after Damien explained the entire plan. "I may not be the best person to say this to you, but someone needs to remind you. Though you once considered Raymond Lenoir your uncle, we now know what he did to your parents years ago. It's clear that he's a psychopath. As for Mr. Beckham Tanner, although he is Mrs. Lenoir's father, the truth is that they don't share a close relationship beyond their blood ties. Are you really going to risk your life to save him?

"With Raymond Lenoir's instability, we can't predict his actions once we reach the island. If something were to happen to you and Tristan Lenoir returns to the family, your sister won't accept it."

Damien Lenoir remained silent for a moment, then smiled impassively and glanced at Mr. Hampson. "So, you think I shouldn't go?"

"Not in person, at least." Mr. Hampson took a deep breath. "Sir, you are the backbone of the Lenoir family now, the helm of the Lenoir Group. Mrs. Lenoir, your children, and your sister's family depend on you. If something were to happen to you here while trying to save Mr. Beckham, Mrs. Lenoir would feel guilty for the rest of her life."

"But if I don't go to save my father-in-law, it is I who will carry the guilt for the rest of my life." Damien Lenoir's gaze and voice turned cold. "Mr. Hampson, I appreciate your concern, but remember, you are employed by me. You should always listen to me."

"But..." Mr. Hampson pursed his lips, feeling the immense pressure of arguing against his employer. "I'm saying this for your sake and the future of the Lenoir family."

"Oh?" Damien Lenoir sneered, crossing his arms, his obsidian eyes fixed on Mr. Hampson. "So you believe I shouldn't go? That the risk isn't worth it? You doubt my abilities to rescue my father-in-law, so going there would mean suicide?"

Chapter 1086 1


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