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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087 A Shawbury Specialty
"Why are you spacing out a lot lately? Is working for me too tiring for you?" Damien frowned as he scrutinized Otto Walkins, who seemed constantly distracted. "If this keeps happening, I'll consider transferring you to Africa to accompany Lennon."

Otto didn't know how to explain the situation. Instead, he gathered himself and simply apologized for his behavior. If Damien was already considering transferring him, that likely meant that his luck was about to run out.


After flying for over four hours, the plane finally arrived at a small island in the Mediterranean Sea. Once the plane landed, Otto immediately went to get the suitcase as he prepared to disembark.

Mr. Hampson looked at him disdainfully. "Mr. Lenoir asked you to go outside and gather information. Why are you bothering with the suitcase? Put it down!"

Otto didn't know what to say. Under Mr. Hampson's stern gaze, he found himself slowly putting the suitcase back down.

Mr. Hampson shooed Otto off as he grabbed the suitcase himself. As he hefted the suitcase, he muttered, "That Otto Walkins usually goes everywhere with just a backpack, but this time he's bringing a suitcase. I bet he's collected a lot of delicious food from Shawbury!"

Damien rubbed his temples, not particularly interested in Mr. Hampson's gossip. "How do you know it's food he's carrying and not something else?"

"What else could it be? He's got no one to give him gifts in Shawbury. Besides, considering how much you pay him, he could probably afford anything he wants without having to pack it himself. So I guess that he must be carrying some delightful Shawbury specialty, and thinking about it is what's making him so absent-minded."

Damien reclined back in his leather seat, his gaze fixed on the nearby map of the sea. A Shawbury specialty… he remembered Cherise talking about it before. She said she would prepare a lot of delicious food and local specialties from Shawbury for him when they were there together. But now…

Chapter 1087 1

Chapter 1087 2


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