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Mated To My Sister's Alpha Fiance (Daisy and Xavier) novel Chapter 1


I never thought my first kiss would be with a stranger on a plane. The man whose lips are locked on mine is possibly the most beautiful man alive. Think McSteamy from Grey’s Anatomy, but without the big beard. His hotness is a physical assault on my virgin senses. He has muscles, a chiseled face, proper clothing, and an air of smoldering sexiness.

Even though I hate him, I don’t want him to stop kissing me. This guy is a walking daydream but he is forbidden territory. Did I mention he is the billionaire my evil sister is supposed to marry? This is her fiancé, Alpha Xavier Reeves—my sister is his future Luna.

...what am I doing?

Kissing Xavier is foolish. It could lead to my death, but I can’t deny the pull between us. I was born without an inner wolf, yet my heart is set on this man. Could he really be my mate?

Well, let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

*** Earlier the same day ***

“Uh, hello?” my stepsister Isabella snaps her fingers. “Can you hurry with my bags? We are supposed to be checking in today, not tomorrow.”

I drag her heavy bag behind me, lifting it when needed. It weighs a ton, and I’m drenched in sweat. The escalator was broken so I had to take the stairs. We are at the airport, about to fly halfway across the world so Isabella, my beautiful sister, can get married.

It’s no wonder she is getting married young. Isabella is perfect. Her face is chiseled, her lips are plump, and although we both have long, glossy hair, she looks more like a model due to her impressive height.


At 5’0, I’m shorter than most kids.

“Could you hurry?” Lina, my other sister, complains.

I glare at her but quickly look away when her eyes meet mine. I know better than to show attitude. Unlike me, my sisters were born with their wolves. They are stronger than me, and to avoid getting beaten, or worse, getting thrown out on the street, I do what they ask.

My best friend, Victoria, constantly asks me why I don’t just run away, but becoming a rogue isn’t wise. And that’s my only option since my mother never let me have a normal education. She wasn’t interested in spending money on the failed child.

“Anyway, I’m tired of this,” Isabella looks around. “Just check in the bags, okay? Surely, your small brain can handle that.”

I glance at the line ahead. Many people are ahead of me, but it shouldn’t take too long.

“Can’t you wait for me?” I ask. “I’m hungry too and could go for a sandwich or something.”

Isabella gives me an antagonizing smile. “I’m sorry, Daisy, but you’re not on the same plane as us. Yours will board in about eight hours? It was cheaper that way. You’re in economy and have all the time in the world to eat, but we don’t.”

My jaw slacks to the ground. “In eight hours? But what am I supposed to do until then?!”

“I don’t know,” Lina shrugs. “It’s not our problem.”

“You shouldn’t eat anyway,” Isabella says. “You’re starting to get fat.”

What? I’m not fat!

Before I can say anything to defend my pride, my mother shouts from the other side of the security line, “You made it!”

Lina and Isabella waves at her. “Hey, mom! Be with you soon!”

My mother gives my two sisters a thumbs up but won’t even look in my direction. It stings. I’m the child she wished she never had. Even our Alpha, Jack, sent his condolences on my eighteenth birthday. He thought I would awaken, but I didn’t.

I’m twenty-one years old and still a weakling without a wolf. My sisters, however, are both warrior wolves and extremely powerful. That’s why Alpha Xavier Reeves requested to marry Isabella. She will be the perfect future Luna for his pack.

While I know I should be happy for my sisters, I can’t help but feel a bit jealous. I wish I were normal like my sisters, but I’m not. I’m a nobody, which must be why my mother bought me an economy ticket—you know, to remember my place.

But don’t get me wrong. Traveling in the economic class isn’t the worst thing in the world. It just sucks that my plane is in eight hours and that I can’t remember if I bought my phone charger with me. I’m going to be so bored if my phone dies...


I wince at the loud voice and step forward. My sisters are long gone, and I’m left with their bags...wait, I didn’t bring up Lina’s bag! Panic seizes my lungs, and I look around—only for an older man to put Lina’s bag in front of me.

“This is your bag, yes?”

“Yes,” I blush a little. The man wears expensive clothing; I can tell he comes from money. “Thank you for carrying it for me.”

“No problem.”

I bring the bags to the lady working behind the counter, who checks them in. I’m a bit surprised at how heavy Lina’s bag is. How did the old man carry it up the stairs that easily?

Well, never mind that. I’m hungry and set my eyes on the security check, but the man places a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

I whip around. “Can I help you?”

He smiles. “I apologize for being so direct. I normally wouldn’t intervene, but I overheard your conversation with your sisters earlier. They were incredibly disrespectful to you, so I upgraded your ticket to first class. Your flight is scheduled to depart in less than one hour.”

Is this a joke?

Why would a stranger go out of his way to… My gaze falls to his bag, and I am taken aback when I see the name embroidered on it, “Reeves.”

“Holy moon goddess…” I mumble in a blind panic. “You’re Christian Reeves—the former Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack. Alpha Xavier’s father!”

“That’s right,” he smiles politely. “But forget about me. You need to catch your flight. Go on, shoo!”

Realizing he is right, I go in for a quick hug. “Thank you so much for this!”


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