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Mated To The Ruthless Alpha King novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Doomsday: Part One

'Why did she have to return so soon?' Sarah asked herself, resisting the urge to stomp her feet against the ground childishly. Now that Alexis was back, things would definitely get complicated. Afterall, she was the one who had gotten her in trouble last time. Who's to say she wasn't going to do something like that again?

Sarah sighed softly and stood unmoving in her room, listening to Alexis as she called for her repeatedly. She thought that perhaps she would go away after a while, but Alexis did no such thing. She kept calling and calling until Sarah reluctantly decided to hear her out. Frowning, she quickly finished drying her hair with her towel then she tossed it somewhere in the room carelessly.

Before opening the door, she puffed out her chest and held her chin high. Despite how much of a coward she was, she didn't feel like being taken advantage of anymore. If Alexis wanted to think she was running around looking confident and conceited, then so be it. That wasn't her problem.

When Sarah opened the door, she was just about ready to tell Alexis a piece of her mind, but what she saw made her hold her tongue.

If she was to be honest, then she'd say that Alexis was the prettiest among them all. She had long black hair, big blue eyes, a well sculpted face and a voluptuous body. Anyone with eyes would be able to tell how beautiful she was.

...But that was then, this is now.

To put it simply, she didn't look very much beautiful at the moment...she looked rather terrible. Purple bruises scattered along her cheeks and almost all of her face was swollen to the point where one would think she had been bitten by a thousand wasps. She was wearing a sleeveless blouse so Sarah was also able to see the fingerprints that had been imprinted on one of her shoulders, the countless slashes that littered across her chest as well as the chain imprint that was left on her neck.

She had been tortured. It was obvious.

"Who-" Sarah's wide eyes ran over her battered body, a grim look taking over her features. "Who did this to you?"'

Alexis tucked her hair behind her ear, looking just about ready to break down into tears. "Who e-else but HIM..."

Doomsday 1

Doomsday 2


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