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Mated To The Ruthless Alpha King novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Damon's Tantrum

Sadly though, the next day Damon returned, thankfully without Alexis in tow...From then on, her daily cooked food stopped coming. Well, it didn't exactly stop coming, more like the person who handed it over changed. Instead of Trixie and Haguy, Damon was the one who came three times per day. That was hella inconvenient because Sarah had already planned to ignore the heck out of him. The thing was, she was still flustered by their little kiss attempt despite the couple days that had gone by. Whenever she saw him around the house, she simply acted as if he didn't exist...the same goes for whenever he brought her food to her room.

But Sarah found herself to be immensely frustrated when she realized that Damon was doing the exact same thing...ignoring her that is. Hand the tray over then leave...that was how it always went. He didn't speak to her neither did he spare her a glance. What puzzled Sarah was why he went through the trouble of bringing her food when he obviously didn't want anything to do with her.

One evening, she managed to bottle up her courage and was determined to ask that same question, however, her courage managed to die down the moment she laid eyes on him. Those fierce eyes of his were telling her something...something along the lines of 'don't talk to me or I'll kill you'.

Astonishingly, Damon was the first to initiate a conversation. He could feel her gaze penetrating the side of his face. It seemed like she wanted to say something, but she was apparently holding back her words. "What is it?" He pressed her to speak without looking at her.

Sarah immediately tore her gaze away from him and moved it to the floor, thinking that he must've realized that she was staring at him. "I'm sorry!" She apologized vigorously, fiddling with her fingers as she grew so nervous that she wanted nothing more than to disappear from his sight altogether.

Damon frowned. He didn't need to look to know that she was fiddling with her fingers and shifting from foot to foot like an idiot. He noticed long ago that it was something she did whenever she was nervous or scared. He cocked his head to finally glance at her face, his forehead creasing.

He was curious as to what made her so nervous around him. He hadn't done anything that could possibly make her this way. He treated her much better than his own parents for that matter. And plus, he even took it upon himself to bring her food everyday. Wasn't that enough to make her less afraid of him?

"What is it that you want me to do?"

Sarah stiffened. She had no idea what he meant. And she also had no idea why he was suddenly speaking to her instead of going about his business. Then it occurred to her...Was he talking about THAT time? She had been the one who stopped them from kissing, so Sarah thought that that must've been why he was interrogating her. Perhaps, he wanted to know why she didn't cooperate.

A shade of red started to coat her cheeks. "What do you mean?"

Damon's Tantrum 1

Damon's Tantrum 2


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