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Mates But Enemies novel Chapter 47

The man sat on his throne as he welcomed all guests and his sons, but then his countenance didn't feel right. He kept looking at the other gate leading into the throne room and the King's palace. As the guest entered, they greeted him but he paid any attention. He then thought,

‘Have they caught this high official yet? Why can't I mind link the guards? And I don't even know how Barb is doing. ’

But there was no one to answer him, he was about getting up and see him when they heard a car entering the premise so without even seeing it, he knew there was someone else coming.

And since he was expecting his children so he sat back down. The people saw the way he was restless but none was bold enough to ask him what his problem was.

A few minutes later and the anticipated guest entered the throne room with his head high and a lady following closely behind him. They saw who it was and the guests started whispering to each other in wonder.

One of them told the other,

Who would have thought that the prodigal would also come.

Those who heard him nodded wondering too. If it was first he would pinpointed who spoke and would have killed him that instant.

But the moment he was turning to look at the person the person who spoke, the lady behind him touched his waist and he walked straight forward.

The elders were surprised at the improvement and looked at the the woman behind him astonished and saw that she looked like a goddess even with long sleeved dress that had a long neck covering all her neck and it laid on her body revealing her perfect body shape.

The dress swept the floor as she walked with him towards the man on the throne. All the while, he had watched them with every step they took towards him, he looked at them and read their countenance.

He saw that the lady beside him could be a prospective queen but his son had almost no change in his behavior. But he sat down and waited till they got to him and spoke to them,

“Welcome to my kingdom, enjoy as much as you can as you witness this amazing festive. Princess welcome, I hope you have a wonderful time with us. ”

She looked at him marveled that he could know her identity without her telling him.

The king stood and told them to enjoy themselves as they wait for the rest of the princes and the other guest then signaled the man to come forward. He moved forward even though he was angry that his father had greeted as if they were strangers and guests.


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