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Mistaken Identity novel Chapter 38

Alex POV

I sat my office desk contemplating on where to bring Kally tonight. I told her we would we going out but I have no idea where to bring her. I wanted this date to go well. Petunia, the nanny is going to be coming over tonight to look after Henrique while we go on our date.

I sigh, I taught goggle could help with everything but I doesn't. I search up for date ideas and all I got was cheesy stuffs. I had told Kally it is a casual date, nothing fancy. I didn't want to go the movies since nothing good was showing.

"Mark," I shouted over the intercom. Mark rushed in my office.

"Yes, Mr. Carter." He said with a shock look at her face. Poor guy, he must think it's something he did wrong. I calm down and mention him to sit in the chair across from me.

"Mark, you have a girlfriend don't you?"

"Uh, yes Sir, I do." He replied.

"Great. What I want to know if where would you take her if you were going out on a casual date?"

"Well, sir, there is the movie theatre."

"Nope, no good movies are playing tonight."

"What about the amusement park? That's a fun place to go for a date." I look at him. he was so true, he's never guess that a man like me would want to go to an amusement park.


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