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Mistaken Match Marrying the Enigmatic CEO novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Frederick was in utter shock at that diagnosis.

Just then, a doctor from the internal medicine

department approached him and said, “Your mom’s

cancer is already at the advanced stage. She needs to

be operated on immediately. Otherwise, her life will be

in danger!”

Frederick’s voice was shaking as he asked, “How… How

much does the surgery cost?”

“Three hundred thousand. Any additional procedures

will be charged separately.” The doctor left after saying


Being a doctor at the hospital, Frederick knew the

hospital policies well. He was aware that the surgery

would only be arranged after payment was made.

“Emmanuel, what should I do now? I don’t have three

hundred thousand!”

Frederick was at a loss as to what to do.

He had only been working at the hospital for two years,

and most of his income had been spent on his





younger sister’s college education. As such, he did not

have much savings left.

“Don’t worry, we will think of something!” Emmanuel

comforted his friend.


After a pause, he shoved the bank card that

Alessandra had given to him into Frederick’s hand and

said, “Take this first. There’s sixty thousand in here.”

“T-This… Isn’t this your mom’s bank card? How can I use

this money?” Frederick’s body was trembling as his

eyes welled up with tears.

That was his best friend’s mother’s hard-earned

money, and it did not feel right for him to use it.

“Don’t worry about that. The current priority is to save

your mom!” Emmanuel insisted that Frederick keep the

bank card.

“But even with this, I still don’t have three hundred

thousand! A hundred thousand is the most I can

scrape together by today,” Frederick replied in a

quavering voice, sounding as if he was on the verge of

bursting into tears.

“Besides, I really can’t take your mom’s money. I don’t

know how long it will take for me to repay it…”

Emmanuel felt rather helpless as well upon seeing the

agonized look on Frederick’s face.

At that moment, Milani happened to walk past and

noticed the interaction between the two men.

“Ha! Don’t you guys find it embarra*sing for two grown

men to be seen crying in the hospital?”

Milani had always looked down on Emmanuel and had

just fought with Frederick earlier. Obviously, she would

not miss the chance to mock them upon witnessing

the scene.

“Milani, just shut up!” Emmanuel chided the woman for

her sarcastic remarks.


As Frederick was already devastated by the news of

his mother’s cancer diagnosis, Emmanuel could not let

Milani rub salt into the man’s wound.


However, unexpectedly, when Frederick saw Milani, he

took the initiative to plead with her, “The most beautiful

Milani, judging by your glamorous appearance, you

must be very rich, right?”

Taken aback by the man’s unusual attitude, Milani took

a few steps back and asked cautiously, “W-What do

you want?”

“Please lend me two hundred thousand! My mom has

just been diagnosed with cancer and needs to be

operated on immediately. Please, I’m begging you! I

will return the money once I have it!” Frederick pleaded

with Milani desperately. He was that close to going on

his knees, but the woman still had no intention of

lending him any money.


Besides the fact that she did not have that much

money, even if she had, there was no reason for her to

lend it to him.

“Hah! You’re out of your mind. I don’t have two hundred

thousand to lend you.”

Taking a pause, she continued, “That’s why poor

people are so pathetic. You can’t even afford your

mother’s surgery expenses. Is it any wonder no woman

wants to marry you?”

Not only did Milani not agree to help, but she also

added insult to injury before she walked off.


Frederick was burning with anger after the woman left.

If Emmanuel had not stopped him, he would have

beaten her to a pulp!

“Frederick, calm down!” Emmanuel held Frederick in a

tight embrace, trying his best to comfort his friend,

who was on the verge of breaking down.

Frederick eventually managed to cool off. If he had

beaten Milani up, he would have been arrested, and

there would be no one to find the money to fund his

mother’s surgery.

Frederick proceeded to contact people in his phone

book, including those he was not close to. He made

more than ten calls consecutively, asking to borrow

money from them.

In order to help his friend, Emmanuel also reached out

to some people he knew.

Despite their efforts, the two men had only managed

to borrow seventy thousand in total, which was not

even a third of the three hundred thousand they


Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife

“What should we do? My mom might die if she delays

getting the surgery!” Frederick finally broke down and

started sobbing in front of Emmanuel.


Emmanuel let out a sigh and said, “Please don’t cry. Let

me try asking my wife. I’m sure she will lend it to you!”

In reality, Emmanuel was not sure if Mackenzie would

agree to help.

However, both of them had run out of ideas.

With their social status, it wouldn’t be easy for them to

borrow three hundred thousand in such a short period

of time.

Chapter 10 Emmanuel Has a Wife

“Your wife?” Frederick was so shocked that his tears


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