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Mistaken Match Marrying the Enigmatic CEO novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Given Mackenzie’s fussiness, Emmanuel knew that

things would turn out bad whether she agreed to go

home with him or not.

“I’m sorry, but my schedule is full. I won’t have time this

entire week,” she answered.

Emmanuel nodded at her reply, which, weirdly enough,

made him both disappointed and relieved.

Well, as I thought, it won’t be easy to get her home to

meet my family.

“Hold on!”

Emmanuel saw a ray of hope when Mackenzie called

out just as he was about to leave the room.

Did she change her mind? Don’t tell me she’s found a

suitable time to go home with me.

To his dismay, he saw Mackenzie holding out a bank

card toward him when he turned back.

“What is this?” he asked with a frown, confounded.

He had no idea why Mackenzie was giving him money,

especially when he had not given Mackenzie the sixty

grand his mother earned with all her hard work

because he suspected their marriage might be a


What is going on?

“I don’t want that kind of cheap food at home

anymore. There’s a hundred thousand in this card, so

use it to buy whatever is needed for our home. I hope

you can find time to do some shopping for the house.

We do need a lot of things here. Just let me know if you

need more money.”

From her no-nonsense way of talking, one would easily

think Mackenzie was a*signing a task to Emmanuel at


Upset by how absurd the whole situation was,

Emmanuel pushed the card back, insisting, “I’m the

man of the house, and I have a job too. I don’t need

you to pay for anything I’m using.”

His response elicited a frown from Mackenzie.

What’s with this fake chivalry? We’re already married.

Did he really not agree to this because of my money

and body?

Having spoken his piece, Emmanuel turned to leave

without even mentioning the sixty grand his mother

intended to give to Mackenzie as her betrothal gift. He

figured it would be a joke to her.

The next day, Emmanuel went to work at the hospital

as usual.


Since it had only been two years since he retired from

the military, he was only in charge of running various

tests and procedures at the Department of

Gynecology instead of being a doctor-in-charge.

“Emmanuel! Did you go on a blind date again





His best friend’s voice rang out from behind him.

Before Emmanuel could reply, Frederick Lewis had

lifted his arm and put it across Emmanuel’s shoulder.

The two were close to one another since their

friendship dated back to the time when they were

cla*smates in middle school. After Emmanuel retired

from the military, they met again as colleagues.

“How did the date go?” Frederick asked out of curiosity

when he saw Emmanuel nodding.

“It didn’t go well.”

A resentful smile broke out on Emmanuel’s face as he

recalled the blind date with Milani that went south.

“Seriously? That was your eighteenth date!” Frederick

exclaimed with a face full of regret.

“Did you do what I taught you? You should set your

bottom line out there right at the beginning of a date. I

can’t believe not a single one of them is willing to give

you a chance.”

Like Roselynn, Frederick believed that Emmanuel was a

fine catch, although he could be a little clueless

sometimes. Hence, he found it unbelievable that none

of the women fell for Emmanuel’s looks.

“You know what? I think I’m messing up every single

date exactly because I’m doing what you told me to

  1. The date just fails every time I tell them I’m earning

eighty grand a year!” Emmanuel complained.

“Then you should improvise! Talk about something

else!” Frederick argued, glaring at him.

Emmanuel kept quiet at his retort, for he had

deliberately mentioned his salary during the dates

because he did not want any of it to work out.


“What can I say? Women these days are very practical

and materialistic.”

“Tell me about it,” Frederick whined. “It’s hard finding

someone who’s not materialistic. It’ll be a rare find if

you get one.”

Emmanuel understood where Frederick was coming

from, since the latter had remained unmarried since

his girlfriend ditched him for a man from a wealthy


“Whatever. I have to go see my mom now. She’s

coming over for a check-up today. Can you take over

those patients who are doing their medical certificate


“Sure,” Emmanuel agreed as Frederick left in a hurry.

After that, Emmanuel went into the chest X-ray room.

Soon enough, a woman entered with a medical slip.

“Please take off your clothes and stand in front of the

machine,” Emmanuel instructed mechanically while he

took the medical slip from the patient, as he always


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