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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 23


From the grand ballroom of the Golden Eagle Hotel, the wedding party of Cadet Sergeant Emilia Plater and Mr. Lance Carter had extended for another two hours.

The husband of Emilia Plater, having a wealthy family background, was not holding back from indulging all the guests with wine and other spirits. To the newlyweds, the party has just begun.

Disco lights were switched on while the hotel servers freely offered various drinks.

On one round table, Samantha was finishing her bluish cocktail, already feeling drowsy and hot all over. Yet after she gulped down the entire glass, her stepsister, Annie, gave her another. "Here you go, Sam... Drink some more! This is finally your moment. You need to have the courage so you can finally be one with Clayton. Poor guy has been wanting to have you for years - I mean entirely!"

While Samantha was staring at the new glass of drink, Annie took the chance to admire Clayton Brown. He was sitting at a distant table together with his friends, engrossed in their peculiar and manly conversations. Annie sighed adoringly at the man and said, "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk... You should really have given yourself long before, Sam... Otherwise... Someone else will steal such a fine man from you."

"Hmmmm... I don't think I can take more of this," Samantha said while trying to push away the drink. "You - you have given me so many... You know I rarely drink."

Gasping for air and fanning her face with her hands, Samantha revealed, "I - I feel so hot, I don't know why! I want to take a bath."

Samantha had the urge to get washed or pull down the sleeves of her dress. She could not understand what she was feeling, including the strange excitement in between her thighs.

"Drink another," insisted her stepsister. "Trust me. You'll have all the courage you need to finally sleep with Clayton."

Clayton Brown had been putting pressure on Samantha about making love, and Annie knew this. He was her boyfriend of two years, and they had already verbally agreed to get married. Only her father stood in the way. Despite being a couple for two years, Samantha's father still did not fully approve of Clayton.

Her boyfriend, a senior cadet, told her that if they were finally one, her father would no longer object to them being together.

Doubting everything she was feeling, Samantha suggested, "Maybe, I should go home - "

"No!" Annie immediately stopped Samantha. She put the glass back in front of her and said, "Look, finish that. Clayton and his friends are almost done with their drinking session. Soon, he'll be free and invite you to his hotel room."

"Just be a little more patient!" Encouraged Annie.

Samantha wound up getting persuaded, drinking more of the colored cocktail.

When Samantha needed to go to the restroom, Annie saw the chance to act on her newfound scheme. She aided Samantha in the restroom, and once they were there, Samantha went straight to splashing her face with water, hoping to get cooled down.

Annie stepped outside, saying she would return immediately. "Sam, I'll need to check on something, okay? I'll be right back."

"Okay," responded Samantha.

The entire time that Samantha was in the restroom alone, she repeatedly washed her face and arms. She did not realize how long she had just stayed there until Annie returned.

"Sam! I spoke to Clayton! He did not want the others to know that you guys were planning it today, so he let me pass this to you," Annie said before giving Samantha the hotel keycard. "He is in room 901. Go get him!"

Samantha found herself staring blankly at the card. But not a moment too soon, she bit her lip and said, "I - I feel so strange... Maybe I do really want him -"

"Of course!" Encouraged Annie. "You love him!"

"But - I just feel really strange." Samantha let out a soft moan and described, "I feel so hot, Annie."

"That's you... craving for Clayton," Annie advised. "So don't wait any longer. Go and get him! Let me help you go to his hotel room."


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