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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 25


"Taxi! Taxi!"

Samantha was panting as she made her way to the driveway of the Wright Diamond Corporation. As soon as a taxi came forward, she hailed it and rode, asking the driver to go to the children's school.

The entire time while she was in the backseat of the car, Samantha was teary-eyed thinking about the horrible mistake that lead to her father abandoning her.

Her lips trembled, and she wound up covering her mouth as she thought, 'So it was Ethan Wright? It was him.'

She realized how the resemblance between her son and Ethan was not a mere coincidence at all.

While her taxi was stuck in traffic, Samantha had many questions in her mind.

Why did father never found out about Ethan?

How did Ethan know?

Was he angry at her for leaving him a hundred-dollar bill?

How long did Ethan know?

Was that the reason why he employed her? Was he out for revenge?

But why did it seem like he was being kind to her and the kids?

Sadly, her questions could only be answered by the man himself, and here she was, just like what she did years back, she was once again... running away from him.

"Miss, are you okay?" The taxi driver asked while studying Samantha from the rearview mirror.

At that point, Samantha was already gasping for air and her tears were flowing down her cheeks. She said, "Yes - yes. I'm fine."

She quickly wiped the wetness on her face, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

"Thank you for your concern." Looking out the window, she asked, "Are we nearly there yet?"

"Ah, no, miss. We got caught in traffic, going in this direction. The other way would have been better, but we already missed the last exit," reported the driver.

Samantha checked the time and saw how it was still early anyhow. She did not mind the time inside the taxi. At least, she had the time to ponder on the truth that had recently been unraveled to her.

Fortunately, despite the busy streets that day, Samantha arrived at the North Bright Academy a few minutes before dismissal.

Her mind was so occupied with thoughts of Ethan Wright that she failed to notice the same Black Maybach car parked just outside the school.

Waiting by the lounge, specifically for parents to remain, Samantha saw how the kids' teacher had come out, but to her shock, someone else was with them!

"Mommy!" Called Kenzi while waving one hand at her. The other was holding Ethan Wright's hand. "Daddy came to fetch us."

"Hi, Mommy!" Greeted Kyle.

Ethan walked out with both Kyle and Kenzie, holding each of their hands. He had that usual blank expression while locking eyes with Samantha.

All of a sudden, all eyes were on the tall and handsome man with dark hair and intense eyes, walking out with children that were evidently his, especially Kyle. The attention easily included Samantha, seeing how Ethan and the children were walking in her direction.

As soon as he stood a meter from her, he said, "Let's go. Get in the car, Samantha. We need to talk."

Her jaws fell, realizing how the man had practically dropped the formalities between them.


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