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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 32

"Do you think... Daddy loves Mommy too?" Samantha did not like using her kids for information, but her poor heart could not help it.

Somehow, something inside of her wanted to know what Ethan thought about her.

"Yes, Mommy! He says you are pretty all the time!" Announced Kenzie.

"All - the - time?" Samantha asked with a frown, trying to recall whenever Ethan was around the kids.

"Yes, Mommy." Kenzie sat up and demonstrated with her hands, resting them on her face. "When Kenzie says I'm pretty like Mommy, Daddy says you are pretty."

Kenzie's answer made Samantha throw her head back on the pillow. She thought, 'He was just acknowledging his own child was pretty. It was not really a comment towards me.'

"And Daddy always asks how you are, Mommy. We always talk about you," suggested Kyle.

Getting up to look at her son again, she asked, "In WhatsApp?"

"Yes, Mommy," said Kyle before yawning. "I'll sleep now, Mommy. You should talk to Daddy. You have your own phone."

"Right," said Samantha while squinting at her son.

After seeing the twins go to sleep, Samantha got up an hour after twelve. She pouted her lips before turning to the bedside table and grabbed Kyle's tablet in secret.

It was there where she read the exchange between Kyle and her father.

"Don't forget to kiss your Mommy goodnight for me, Kyle." Samantha read the message from Ethan the other night.

That immediately caught her attention. She scrolled up some more and found a shocking picture of her while still asleep!

Kyle had sent Ethan a picture of her and that was even before he even found out he was their father!

Samantha's heart drummed vigorously against her ribcage.

"Oh, my goodness!" She contemplated deleting the picture, but it was clear to her that Ethan had seen it, base on his response.

She wound up reading the exchange between Ethan and Kyle during that time of their chat.

"Good morning, Daddy. See our Mommy, she sleeps so nice," said Kyle.

Reading his response, however, her cheeks burned. Ethan said, "Your Mom is pretty even when asleep."

Rolling her eyes at herself, she softly muttered, "He was just... probably being polite... or not?"

Out of the blue, Kyle received a message from his father and it was fortunate that the boy was already fast asleep.

In the message, Ethan said, "Goodnight, Kyle. I'm going to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow. Don't forget to kiss your Mommy."

Samantha did not know what came into her, but her hands inched. She wound up replying on behalf of her son. She said, "Kiss Mommy for Daddy?"

"Yes. Kyle? Why are you still awake?" Ethan answered in seconds.

"Going to bed now, Daddy. I just gave Mommy a kiss for you," said Samantha on behalf of Kyle.

"Did you tell her it was from me?" Ethan asked back.

Yet again, Samantha's face turned red. Her insides were squealing in thrill, bringing her back to her teenage years. She earnestly wondered what Ethan thought of her, following his next messages.

She was about to answer when she noticed the tablet rang!

Ethan initiated a video call with Kyle, and that was a call Samantha could not dare to take!

After all, she was only acting to be Kyle.

Worried that Kyle would wake up, Samantha quickly turned the tablet to mute, panting as she accomplished it.

She quickly sent a message to Ethan, saying, "Goodnight, Daddy. I'm going to sleep now."

Ethan's next reply, however, took her aback. He said, "Goodnight, Sam. I'll see you tomorrow."

"What the! Damit! How in the world?" She placed the tablet back on the table and said, "Whatever... I'll just deny it."

The next day, however, during their lunch date with Ethan and the kids, there was no way out of Ethan's probing.

Upon seeing the children walking in the restaurant and taking their seats, the first thing Ethan asked his son was, "Kyle, what time did you sleep last night."

"Hmmm... before twelve, Daddy," said Kyle while getting settled next to his sister.


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