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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 5

From inside his hotel room, John Garcia, the executive assistant of Ethan Wright, was collecting his belongings, getting ready to leave for the airport.

Since he already had made Samantha Davis sign the contract, his work was already done. He needed to return to his boss where more and more work awaited him.

As he was about the leave, he meant to report to his boss the time that he will be arriving. He called Ethan Wright on the phone. With just one ring, the CEO of Wright Diamond Corporation answered, "Did she sign it?"

It took a second for John to realize that his boss was following up on the contract with Samantha Davis. "Ah, yes, boss. She did. We met yesterday," he answered before thinking about breaking the bad news.

"What is it?" His boss asked.

When John realized he gave himself away, he revealed, "Ah, Mr. Wright... She... Um. She has children - two to be exact."

Silence could easily be heard on the other line. It practically took nearly a minute for John to hear Ethan speak again, "Why would you bring that up to me? We hired her for the job and as long as she can do the job well, it doesn't matter!"

"I am not one to look down on a married woman!" The phone went dead soon after.

John's boss did not even let him finish explaining Samantha's situation. Now, his boss completely misunderstood Samantha Davis' circumstance.

"Oh, well. Just when I thought I found the woman that would melt the ice!" Remarked John before getting out the door.


Four days back when Ethan first saw Samantha in Monroe City.

The great and powerful Ethan Wright had been invited to dinner by a co-investor while they were in town. He and his assistant, John Garcia was told, they were to dine at the best restaurant in the city of Monroe!

A man of great stance suddenly graced the humble hotel. Ethan was tall, blessed with a fine physique, and striking good looks. His dark brown eyes were so intense, studying the surroundings of the hotel, mentally evaluating.

When Ethan stepped foot at The Emerald's lobby, a mere four-star hotel, he frowned and looked down to his assistant. He said, "Find a way to leave. This is not good enough for me."

Given that Monroe City was not that popular, Ethan wasn't planning on eating at a four-star hotel. He had very high standards for his meals.

John Garcia's eyes widened at his boss' suggestion. He leaned over and said, "But boss, we are already here and Mr. Wilson said, it's an excellent restaurant!"

"John, look at the floor. It isn't glossy enough... Clearly, management did not give much care and attention to the refurbishment of this hotel," said Ethan before tightening his eyes.

Ethan Wright was born with a silver spoon. His family was old rich, and he was used to the splendor of their wealth. Rarely did he settle for anything less than a four and a half-star hotel.

Their co-investor, Mr. Wilson, easily found them as he came walking in from the hotel's entrance.

"Mr. Wright! Over here!" Called Mr. Wilson. "I'm glad you decided to join us for dinner."

Mr. Wilson leaned forward and suggested, "Trust me when I say, you will have the most gastronomical delight... here at the hotel's fine dining restaurant!"

"I'm a shareholder of this hotel, by the way. If you like what you eat, feel free to invest in this property. Haha!" An audible laugh followed Mr. Wilson's suggestion. He was so engrossed at his own proposal that he missed seeing the clear grimace on Ethan's face.

"You find this amusing, Mr. Wilson? Did you bring me out here for the possibility of wasting my money over this outdated hotel?" In his dominating tone, Ethan spoke of his displeasure and it easily gave Mr. Wilson the chills.

"Um. No - No! Mr. Wright. I - I was just joking," reasoned Mr. Wilson. "However, truth be told, our restaurant here is one of the best. It's thanks to our lovely and beautiful chef, Miss Samantha Davis. In fact, she had recently received recognition for her outstanding culinary skills!"

As if on cue, Samantha came rushing in from the other side of the hotel lobby, coming back from the hotel restroom.

"Oh! Sorry!" She ended up bumping into the great man himself, Ethan Wright. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to. Are you okay?"

Samantha just placed a hand on Ethan's arm, not minding or carefully looking at his face. Her head was too occupied, eager to return to work.

"Oh, Mr. Wilson. Hope everything is fine. I need to get ready for dinner," Samantha explained, suggesting she was leaving him to take care of the frowning man whom she bumped into.

"It's okay, Sam. Go ahead," responded Mr. Wilson.


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