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Mommy, Where's Daddy? The Forsaken Daughter's Return novel Chapter 7

"Kyle, what time is it? It's already nine in the evening. It's time to put your new tablet down," Samantha said right before entering the bathroom.

She was sharing a room with her kids and they were both settled on the bed. Matilda gave both of them new tablets, a doll for Kenzie, and a sling bag for Kyle.

Kenzie was already ready to sleep, but Kyle was still downloading apps on his tablet, or so his mother thought. Hearing his mother asked him to put the device down, he sighed and replied, "Okay, Mom. Can I ask you about Dad?"

"I'll give you ten minutes' extension on the tablet," Samantha quickly answered before escaping into the bathroom.

Seeing their Mommy avoid the topic again, Kyle and Kenzie looked at each other. Kenzie chuckled, while Kyle shook his head.

"Maybe Dad is a government spy!" Suggested Kenzie.

"Or just someone with secret kids," said Kyle.

"Hah! A rich daddy that needs to protect us from bad guys!" Concluded Kenzie. "That's why we are secret kids!"

"Whatever, Kenzie. The point is, Mommy is hiding something about Daddy," suggested Kyle.

"Did you get what the woman said earlier? About you looking like their boss?" Kenzie asked.

"Yes, I heard. That's why I have been on the tablet," said Kyle. "There are no pictures of him."

"But his name is Ethan Wright," added Kyle.

Kyle's eyes tightened at the picture of the Wright Diamond Corporate Office. He said, "I wonder how far is this office building?"

"Are you planning on going there?" Kenzie asked, leaning forward to see her brother. "You can't ride a bus on your own!"

Kyle turned to the bedside table and saw his Mommy's documents from the Wright Diamond Corporation. A smirk became painted on his face and he answered, "I guess... We'll have to make it happen."

The next morning, Samantha was getting ready to bring the kids to their new school. They were lucky enough to decide on leaving since the school had just started two weeks ago. It was an easier transfer for Samantha and the twins.

However, since Samantha did not have enough money to pay in advance the required deposit, she had been furnished in advance an employment certificate that would attest to her capacity to pay. She meant to show it to the school so they would have no qualms in accepting her children. However, that morning, the same employment certificate was missing from her folder.

Flipping through her papers, Samantha was in a panic. It was nearly seven-thirty in the morning and school starts at nine! They were bound to be late! It was inevitable!

"Oh, my God! Why is this happening now?" Samantha ran her fingers through her hair, unsure of how the said paper was suddenly missing.

There was only one way to get another, and that was to head over to the Wright Diamond Corporation.

Riding in a taxi, Samantha had to bring her kids along. She hoped she could furnish the certificate in less than an hour, in that way her kids could still make it to their class.

At eight-thirty sharp, she arrived at the lobby of the Wright Diamond Corporation. With the twins tailing her, she went straight to the reception and asked for John Garcia.

"Do you have an appointment, Miss Davis?" One receptionist asked.

"No, sadly I don't and I have been trying to reach Mr. Garcia, but he doesn't seem to be answering," Samantha explained her sudden arrival. "It's really urgent that I speak with him."

The two receptionists looked at each other, worried about whatever decision they would make. However, since the beautiful lady before them was so elegant looking and charming, they concluded she wasn't telling a lie.

Moreover, Kenzie joined in to help and said to the receptionist, "Please! Please. My Mom needs a paper for us to go to school. Please help us."


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