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Mr. Burns Is Killing His Wife novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Hamish, Did You Just Try to Kill Me?

Elisa waited nearly half an hour but still did not receive a reply from Hamish. She glanced at the time - he was probably already asleep with Lila at this time of night.

The blood on her hands had dried and felt disgusting. Elisa dragged her weak body into the bathroom to wash the blood off her hands. The icy liquid felt chilling to the heart.

After returning to her room, she habitually poured herself a cup of hot water and took painkillers and cancer medication. The strong painkillers Micah gave her contained anesthetics - she would only take them when the pain was truly unbearable. Taking too much could lead to dependence and damage the nerves.

She poured all the pills into plain jars and threw them into a drawer. She wanted nothing more to do with Hamish. So what if they had loved each other for 16 years, been together for 6 years, and married for 4 years? It was nothing to get worked up over.

At first light, Elisa awoke. She did not have the habit of lazing in bed - once awake, she would get up. Even though she was not going out, she still put on makeup out of habit, to make her sickly face look a little more spirited.

Looking at her radiant self in the mirror, Elisa smiled. There was still tomorrow after today.

Worried that Mr. Lane had not eaten breakfast, Elisa made two servings. Right after nine o'clock, the doorbell rang.

Elisa took off her apron and hung it on the wall before going to open the door. It was Mr. Lane.

"Ms. Powell."

"Come in quick. Have you eaten? Elisa asked.

Following her in, Mr. Lane replied, "Yes, I've eaten."

Hearing he had already eaten, Elisa did not feel right eating breakfast herself either. She hurriedly drank a glass of milk and made some tea before bringing it into the living room.

Mr. Lane got right to business, sitting down and taking out his laptop. When he heard Elisa wanted to transfer most of Powell Group's shares under Hamish's name, he looked at her in astonishment, even stopping his typing.

"Ms. Powell, you have to consider this carefully. Powell Group is your separate premarital property that your husband has no claim to. I've seen many divorces fought over property division in court, but this is the first time I've seen someone completely give up their premarital assets.

Moreover, this concerns a multi-billion dollar company. Setting aside whether Powell Group's other shareholders would agree, your father alone would never allow it. If he knew you were divorcing and giving away the company, he would surely react explosively."

"I know, that's why I need to discuss making a will with you next," Elisa replied, but before she could finish, the doorbell rang outside. She had to get up and answer it.

"Excuse me a moment, I'll get the door."

Upon opening the door, a dark figure abruptly appeared before her eyes. An icy chill rushed up as Elisa instinctively took a step back.

Looking up at Hamish, she asked, "Why are you back?"

"Didn't you tell me to come back?" Hamish's normally pitch-black eyes seemed somewhat bloodshot now. His commanding aura naturally carried an oppressive force.

Gripping the door handle, Hamish forcefully pushed it open and strode inside arrogantly. "What did you mean by the text you sent me last night?"

Chapter 8 Hamish, Did You Just Try To Kill Me? 1

Chapter 8 Hamish, Did You Just Try To Kill Me? 2


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