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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 210

A cat came slowly from one side, orange and chubby, tail up and wagging casually.

Starry watched it step to his feet and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

Soon, the chubby ORANGE CAT came up to her feet, tested them for a moment, and then suddenly rolled over at her feet.

Starry couldn't resist squatting down and raising his hand to touch its head.

A policewoman in the lobby saw it and laughed, "Orange is pouting again!"

Starry looked back at the policewoman: "Are you the ones who keep it?"

This time is already noon after work time, female police officers holding documents came over, also touched orange cat: "not we raised, is a grandmother raised in front of the alley, Orange often come over, we occasionally feed it some food, it is very bold, not afraid of people."

Starry looked at the orange cat that was rubbing itself into his palm, his heart was following soft, "It still likes to be pampered."

"You're pretty! Orange likes pretty girls!"

Starry curled her lips, looked up and found Filip had finished answering the phone and was watching her play with the cat under that tree.

Starry was a little embarrassed and finally touched orange cat, then got up and walked over: "Sorry about that."

Filip looked at her, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

At this point in time, Starry went back to the villa and then cooked dinner has been late, let Filip go back to the company busy company also does not make sense.

Starry thought for a moment, "It's been a while since I've eaten fish and I want to eat fish."

"Fallen Swallow's fish is good."

"Then let's go to Fallen Swallow."

Starry volunteered to get on the passenger side, giving the car to Filip to drive.

"Fallen Swallow" is a private restaurant specializing in fish.

Starry hasn't been there for over a year. Izabella took her there once before, but Fallen Swallow's location was particularly bad to book, and she hasn't been there since.

It was on the way that she remembered this.

But for Filip, a position, it's not a problem.

The two parked the car and entered the door, a waiter led them to the window seat, the window seat, outside is a lotus pond.

The lotus flowers have not yet bloomed in May, but the leaves are green and the sun is strong at noon, and several koi are hiding under the lotus flowers.

Some fish food was placed on the table, specially for the guests.

Filip unwrapped the package and handed it to her, "An extra meal for them?"

Starry laughed a little: "These Goldfish are fat, and the meal adds up to a lot."

She reached for the fish food, pinched some and threw it out the window.

The smell of fish food instantly attracted other koi to swim over, and Starry threw a little bit, and in a short time there were more than ten koi around.

A small packet of fish food was quickly fed, and she unwrapped the wet wipes on the table and wiped her hands, "Frances that pond of koi should also grow well."

Filip was a little surprised to hear her mention old Mrs. Pearson, but knew that Starry was deliberately looking for a topic: "It's nice, Frances goes to feed them first thing after breakfast every day."

Starry sips his tea: "Frances has been feeding for so many years, naturally she is feeding out of affection."


Filip responded softly and looked at her: "The pond of koi was raised by my grandfather, for almost twenty years."

Starry was a little surprised: "No wonder."

The koi are meticulously raised, raising a twenty to thirty years is not a problem, well raised, fifty to sixty years are raised.

The koi Starry at the Pearson residence are plump, round, agile, and well-bred.

As they spoke, the waiter pushed a food cart and brought up the fish soup.

During that time, Filip took two phone calls, and without him saying so, Starry could see that he was very busy.


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