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Mr. CEO, You're Just A Substitute novel Chapter 211

When the car arrived at the Eternal Group, it slowed to a stop.

Starry looked aside at Filip : "Here we are, thank you for today."

Filip unbuckled his seat belt and looked at her, "With our relationship, you don't have to be so polite with me, Starry."

As he spoke, he buttoned his collar.

Starry only then found that the first two buttons of his shirt did not know when to loosen, slightly open collar to him added a few fallen, people are less than usual a few cold.

Starry wanted to ask him what their relationship was, but thought about it and decided that maybe she was overthinking it.

No matter how she avoids it, the five years of marriage with Filip is there for all to see.

Contract or true, anyway, they were really married for five years.

One night husband and wife, not to mention they have been a couple for five years.

Filip is now treating her like this, probably also remembering the five years of love.

With that in mind, she lost the urge to ask.

Filip buttoned up before speaking, "Contact me if you need anything."


Starry nodded a little and watched him get out of the car.

After eating a meal, it was almost two o'clock, and it was time to go to work in the afternoon.

Next to many employees who came back to work, Filip from the car, white shirt can not suppress his aura, many people have subconsciously glanced at him, after seeing who it is, people passing by are a little surprised.

Filip stepped back and stepped aside, in the bright sun, carrying the sketch Starry had made last night in one hand, and with the other hand tucked vaguely inside the pocket of his suit pants, he just stood there, watching her drive away.

Only when the black Mercedes drove away did Filip withdraw his eyes and carry the painting into the Eternal Group.

He went straight into the special elevator, which went up to his office floor.

When the man came out of the elevator, Austin was already waiting for him with a stack of papers: "Mr. Pearson, this is the second phase of that Emeraldian project ......"

Before Austin could finish his sentence, he saw a paper scroll appear in front of him.

He froze for a moment, and before he could react, he heard Filip tell him to frame the painting.

Austin subconsciously answered, "Will it be hung in your office after it's framed?"

Filip, rarely stunned, looked at him, "No."

"Ohhhhh, okay, Mr. Pearson."

Austin also rarely saw Filip have that kind of expression, he did not dare to say anything else, clutching the file and followed him into the office, after setting down the file, Austin left the office.

Just in time to see Albert, Austin waved his hand: "You find someone to frame this painting."

Austin said while spreading out the paper roll.

When he saw the sketch on the paper, Austin realized what Filip's expression just now meant.

This black and white sketch, if framed and hung in Filip's office, would probably surprise anyone who saw it.

After all, this painting, the painting is no one, but Filip himself.

Austin is also smart, immediately thought that the words are Starry painting, he dare not take it lightly: "Forget it, you personally go to the gallery to run, this painting is Miss Bradley painting, you must not break!

Since returning from his last trip to the resort, Albert has also become acutely aware of Filip's thoughts on Starry.

When he heard Austin say that Starry had drawn the words, Albert realized the importance of the drawing without Austin having to say anything.

"Don't worry, even if I break it, the painting can't be broken!"

Austin was satisfied: "Go ahead, frame the painting first!"

On such a piece of paper, if this accidentally stained with water, it must be finished.


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