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Mr. CEO's Mistress novel Chapter 3


“ What are you doing, Alice? ” I murmured to myself standing in front of the dressing mirror of one of the most expensive suites of Castillo Hotel.

Just as I agreed upon doing this shitty thing, Melissa dragged me to the top floor of the hotel, to this suite and many people were already waiting for us. A girl dragged me to the huge Italian style Bathroom and stripped me naked in a spur of moment, that I was unable to understand what they were doing.

Then another girl made me take a bath adding God Know's what kind of expensive products in the water of the bath.

Then I was dragged to the dressing room completely naked in front of three women in which Melissa was not present, giving me a hint that she was not there anymore.

After that, I went through the drying up process and dressed up in a red lingerie. Yes. A lingerie. They refused to give me clothes. In a moment that passed just too fast, those women painted my face in exotic makeup that made me wonder if the girl staring back at me in the mirror was really...Me.

Now when all those women were gone telling me that someone would come to take me to the auction, I was staring at myself blankly in the reflection of the mirror.

I felt weird and disgusted but my rational - desperate mind was telling me to just kill those emotions and proceed with whatever it was. It was only one night anyway right?

Suddenly, I recalled all the rules that Melissa had made me memorize. There were only three rules.

Number one. Do not talk during the auction no matter what happens.

Number two. My hands were going to be handcuffed to the bed, after I was going to be sold so I do not try to run away. I should not scream or get afraid at any cost because of that.

Number Three. My eyes were going to be blindfolded too so I could not see the face of the person who bought me and with whom I spent that night. It was a rule, so the identity of the people attending the auction stayed hidden.

Recalling those rules, I heaved a heavy breath. It was pure helplessness once again.

Not being able to talk, move or see was going to be a state of pure helplessness. I hated feeling helpless but what could I do when it was about money?

There was nothing to hate about money. During these last eleven months, I have only started to care about money, given that everyone was by my side when I was well off. The moment I lost all the money, everyone made it sure to stay far away from me.

That was how this world worked. If you had money, everyone was by your side. Coaxing you and pretending to love you.

The moment that money was gone. Those same people disappeared in thin air. Like poof. Like they were never there with you to begin with.

' Run, Alice! ' My subconscious mind screamed and for once I heard what it was saying.

Sprinting to the bathroom, I grabbed a bathrob to tie around myself. It was not really funny to run around in the hotel with just a lingerie, that was not helping in covering anything.

Wrapping the bathrob around myself, I pushed my hair that were curled neatly to my back and marched to the door.

Pulling it open, I peeked outside to see if someone was there. Finding no one, I stepped outside and made my way to the lift in a hurry.

I needed to be away. I needed to be far away. It was suffocating here. I did not want to experience helplessness again. It was just too much. Too much to be able for me to breath anymore.

When the lift came in sight, I almost ended up crying in delight. I stopped in front of it and pressed the button instantly. My feet were not stopping at one place, as I jumped around waiting for the damned lift which was taking too much time to my liking.

The lift made a ding sound and the doors opened revealing a man standing inside already. I did not care to look at his face and ran inside, before pressing the Ground Floor's button. Sighing in relief, I closed my eyes and rested my back against the lift's wall.

Opening my eyes after a while, I sneaked a glance at the man beside me. My eyes went wide looking at him.

He was tall. Very tall. Six-one something perhaps. He was well built. The fitting of his expensive black suit outlined the defined muscles.

His face was attractive but screamed danger at the same time. It was quite alarming.

Sharp features.

His nose, jaw, cheekbones were well defined and well sculptured. His jet black hair were defined but a little tousled. They only added to his already good looks.

And the most mesmerising feature on his face were his eyes.

Sharp and captivating steely grey eyes. Their intensity could render anyone immobile just like me.

Well. How was I able to look in his eyes? I gulped realizing it.

Those same steely grey eyes were staring back at me with coldness radiating off them.

Well. Shit. Looks like he caught me staring rudely. Fear and embarassment crawled up my spine and pulled me back to reality.

“ I-I am Sorry. ” I shook my head and averted my eyes away, not knowing what I was apologizing for.

The intensity of his eyes was just too much to keep looking in them. It was like his eyes were pulling me in.

“ Running from someone? ” The deep velvety voice made my body jolt up in surprise.

Slowly, I looked at him with a blush creeping up my face and neck. “ N-No. ” Stammering out, I cursed at myself in my mind.

What was happening to me?

Chapter 03 1


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