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Mr. CEO's Mistress novel Chapter 4


My first instinct was to run for the door from where I came in, but Alder grabbed my wrist and turned me around abruptly.

“ Leave me! I don't want to do this. I can't die. I can't die just yet. ” I whisper yelled hysterically, trying to jerk his hand away from my wrist. But who was I kidding? Alder was whole lot stronger than me. Even if I tried for the rest of my life, I still will not be able to get myself free from his grip.

All of a sudden, Alder started dragging me to the right corner of the dark room we were currently in. I wanted to scream, but my voice was struck in my throat. My mind was fixed on only two words ' She died '. Well. I should have asked Alder if they were going to transfer the money to my family if I died.

It was all about money to begin with. If they transferred all the money to my family, then it would be okay to die early. I was not sure if my death was going to be an easy one though.

I hated to admit it, but I was scared.

I was so scared, that my whole body was trembling and my mind was frozen in time.

I was so scared, that I felt like throwing up but then I remembered that I have not eaten anything for almost one and a half day now.

I was so scared, that I felt like curling up and then crying until the whole world disappeared.

Alder dragged me to the corner and opened some kind of metal bar door in the dark. Almost feeling blind in the darkness surrounding us, I wondered how Alder was able to even see where he was going or what he was doing.

In a motion, he pushed me and I fell inside on some metal - cold floor. I turned around to scream at him or to protest, but the bar door closed on my face. When I realized what it was, my face turned pale and my lips started to quiver.

A cage.

It was a metal cage.

And Alder had locked me inside it.

“ Follow the rules and nothing will happen to you. ” The usual flat voice of Alder's, sent chills down my spine and my inability to see him in the dark, made me feel completely and utterly helpless.

“ Remember. You have already signed the consent papers. ” He added, making my body turn colder than it already was, due to fear.

I was stupid. There was no limit to how stupid I really was.

When Melissa had asked me in the lobby to sign some papers earlier, telling me that it was necessary paperwork, I signed them without reading them. I was just too desperate that the thought of reading those papers never crossed my mind. Or maybe, I simply did not care enough about the consequences. I did not have anything to lose.

Now, when I was locked up in this cage feeling helpless, everything felt more real than ever.

“ Please, Alder. Please let me out. I don't want to do it now. ” I pleaded once more hoping with all my heart, that Alder would listen, but as a reply to my pleads, a cloth fell down on the cage, covering it as a whole.

What was happening? I grabbed the bars and touched the silk cloth surrounding the cage. “ Follow the rules and nothing will happen to you. ” Alder's distant voice barely made its way to my ears and I fell down on my knees.

What did I do?

What did I do to myself?

Leaving the bars, I wrapped my arms around myself and begin moving back and forth to dull down the fear that was clutching my heart and mind.

The darkness around me was suffocating me, but I was helpless.

Maybe, Helplessness had latched itself to me and it refused to leave me now.

Heaving a heavy breath, I rested my head on my knee and closed my eyes to calm myself down.

If I have landed myself into this shitty auction thing, then I have to go through this now.

And for that...

I needed courage.

Hell lots of it.


It felt like I have been sitting in the same position for years. My back hurted alot and my legs were numb.

Out of the blue, I sensed the cage I was locked in, moving. I was unable to see anything due to the cloth over the cage though, so I kept sitting there, curled up in myself. I was tired. The emotional fatigue was much more than the physical one.

The cage stopped moving and I heard several voices. Light gradually started to seep through the red colored cloth over the cage. I was surprised that I have not died with suffocation in here yet.

Chapter 04 1

Chapter 04 2


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