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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Who told you to drink too much?Charlotte’s voice echoed inside Sofia’s flat. You always know that you cannot handle your alcoholCharlotte grunted as she held Sofia’s waist. On the other side was Daniel, who was also holding Sofia’s other arm

SorryHekSofia mumbled. Her eyes were already closed, and a silly. smile was painted on her abnormally scarlet face. Put me down. You can leave now… 

How could I leave you when you are like this?Charlotte frowned

Calm downDaniel spoke, his voice soft

Calm down? Her puke’s all over me!Charlotte could not help but complain. This is a new dress!she added, irritation apparent in her 


Daniel only chuckled. And yet you are here” 

Do you think I would want you to clean her up?Charlotte glared at Daniel

RightSofia chuckled. How could she let youseemyhekbody?” 

The two let Sofia on the bed as Charlotte pushed Daniel out of her room

Sister, you know that you cannot drink too much alcohol. How could you 

ask-Seeing Sofia’s body fall into the soft white kingsize bed, Charlotte rolled her eyes. How could I even talk to a drunk?she kicked Sofia’s feet. Wake up. You need to take a bath.” 

When Sofia did not stir away, Charlotte kicked her sister’s leg again. Wake up” 

Won’tSofia mumbled. Just leave me alone. I need to sleep.” 


Chapter 15 


UIN 14:22 

Charlotte let out a sigh. I can’t carry you to the bathroom. Hey!” 

However, no matter how much she tried to kick Sofia’s legs, the latter did not open her eyes. Seeing this, Charlotte sneered. Then she opened Sofia’s shirt and simply tucked her into bed

Done?Daniel asked her the moment she got out of Sofia’s room

Why did you let her drink?Charlotte glared at Daniel. You always know she’s like that when she’s drunk!” 

She told me she’s not” 

Charlotte snorted. Take me home.” 

What about her?” 

What about her? She’s asleep. She’s gonna wake up with a bad headache tomorrow. While I have puke and sweat all over me. Take me home.” 

Can’t you call your PA?” 

It’s one in the morning!Charlotte said. Besidesshe closed in on him, a coquettish smile on her face. I missed you.” Her hand rested on his chest as she tilted her head and licked her lower lip. Don’t you miss me 



What? It’s just a question.Charlotte said. I know you never want to do it 


CharThere was a hint of warning in his voice

Fine.Charlotte pouted as she took a step back. To keep their relationship a secret, Daniel and her agreed not to do something like this in the very same City where Sofia was. Daniel did not want to take some risks, and Charlotte did not want to cause unnecessary problems

Chapter 15 

Nos 14:22 


So, they limited their interaction outside of Illinois where they would go on vacation together. Still, the fact that Charlotte is a known personality is causing them trouble

They had to choose a secretive location to see each other. Honestly, Charlotte was tired of this. She wanted the relationship to be open but she could not do it— at least not right now

Still, you have to take me homeCharlotte said

Right.Daniel was about to go to Sofia’s room, but Charlotte held hist hand

Where are you going?” 

I was just gonna check on her.” 

Don’t you trust me?Charlotte said

Of course, I do.” 

Then don’t go inside her room.” 

Seeing this, Daniel shook his head and smirked. Jealous?” 

How could I not?Charlotte said. Can you blame me?Her voice turned 


Daniel immediately approached her and held her chin, lifting it up towards him. Without saying another word, he kissed her lips. Still jealous?” 

Stop it,Charlotte rolled her eyes

However, instead of giving her an answer, he kissed her lips again. Again?” 

I said stop!Charlotte said. However, she did not push him away. Instead, she giggled. Not here.” 



ex 14:22 

Chapter 15 

Finelet’s go. I will take you home.” 

Good.Charlotte smiled. Her flat was located in another building, and it had very good security. She wanted privacy, away from the media and her fans, and that was why she chose that place

After a few minutes, the two of them walked out of Sofia’s flat. However, the moment they left, the door of Sofia’s room opened. Sofia slowly walked out, her phone in her hand

No. She chose not to record the two, but she heard and saw everything that they just did. She had other plans. After making sure that her doors were locked, she opened her phone and sent a text to an unknown. number

[They are on their way out. Follow them. Take some good shots.

Slowly, she made her way into the living room and opened the blackout curtains that revealed the beautiful view of Springfield at night

Then she got herself some wine and sat on her couch, mulling over the things that happened while they were having their dinner. Charlotte. almost always never let Sofia drink too much to the point of slurring her words. Sofia recalled their conversation earlier and snickered

After enjoying her wine, she went back to her room to take a quick bath before sleeping. However, an unexpected call arrived just before she could change her clothes

Alexander?she asked, surprised

Open the door” 

You- Sofia did not say another word as she ran out of her room and into the door, completely forgetting the fact that she was still wearing her robe and that her hair was still wet from the shower. She opened the door and saw Alexander standing outside

Chapter 15 

N3 0 6 14:22 

He was wearing his white shirt. His coat must be inside his car. His hair was a little disheveled yet it was not enough to hide how attractive he looked


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