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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

So, you got married, and I was not invited?Hugo Moore glared at Alexander. And here I thought I was your closest friend!” 

We were in a hurry” 

Almost immediately, Hugo’s eyes landed on Sofia’s stomach

How long?Hugo asked

When is your due date?he added

No, I meantAlexander wanted to explain when Hugo held his hand towards his friend’s face

She’s pale, too skinny, she looked weak. The least that you could do is take care of your wife and child.” 

I am not pregnant,Sofia said. Are you not here to test my blood?she asked. Hugo Moore was someone who changed the medical industry at the tender age of twentyone. He was a genius surgeon and had published so many journals that helped the medical community

The reason why Sofia has heard of his glorious name is because of her mother. She tried to locate him in the past, but for some reason, no one knew where he currently lived. Many had suspicions that he was currently working with the government in a secret facility, but no one could pinpoint his exact location

When her mother had become comatose, she did everything to know his whereabouts, but she failed

Hugo’s expression turned solemn when he heard her voice. He quickly asked Josef to bring his tools. I have studied Violet Slumber Blossom for years. Sadly, being poisoned by this plant would not show any signs. immediately. However, the moment it would show signs meant that it 

OOFYN 14:29 

Chapter 28 

would be too late.” 

Sofia swallowed

We call it Lingering Lotus as it would linger in the victim’s bloodstream for as long as it could before showing its claws,” Hugo said. Are you scared of needles?he asked

Sofia swallowed. No.She sat on the couch, and soon, Hugo was already taking her blood

It would take two to three days at leastHugo said

What about my mother?she asked

I need your consent if you need me to take her blood too.” 

Then please do it,” Sofia said. If If you confirm that she took that poison, thenwhat would happen?she asked

Unfortunately, we cannot wake her up. Yet,Hugo said, his tone calm yet. somehow, she could not sense any emotion in it. I believe Alexander already told you that there is no cure for the poison. However, we can only stop the symptoms. The earlier we diagnose a patient, the better it would be for them. However, there is no need to worry too much about this matter. If you do not know it yet, your husband has been donating a huge amount of money for research. Soon enoughI would-” 

Please let me donate too” 

Oh?Hugo beamed at Sofia. He looked at Alexander, who was sitting next to his wife. Then he gave him a smug smirk. Your husband donated ten million for the initial research I-” 

Then I will give you ten million as well,Sofia said. Just please do everything to find out to develop a cure.” 

Of course,” Hugo beamed. Your wish is my commandhe suddenly 

Chapter 28 

took her hand and kissed the back of her palm. My lady.” 

R 14:29 

For some reason, this gesture made Sofia shiver. What was wrong with this man? However, she quickly pushed her questions out and focused on the current situation

LH GROUP Main Office 

Lawrence frowned as he stared at his phone. He had been waiting for Sofia to call him, but the latter seemed upset

Were you able to call her?he asked his daughter, Charlotte, who was sitting on the couch not too far away from him. Despite Dr. Mulach’s arrest, Lawrence still went to his office and decided to go on with his schedule

This was a deliberate act so the authorities would not suspect him

No. Daniel said she was not answering her phone too,Charlotte said. Father, do you think this has something to do with her birthday?she asked. Sofia had always been emotional around this time because it was said that her father died around her birthday. Now that her mother was in a coma, she might have been feeling a bit more down

She had been avoiding Daniel tooCharlotte pouted. Lately, all Daniel could talk about was Sofia and Charlotte did not like that! You know how much I need that song, and she had stopped writing songs too.Charlotte rolled her eyes before she started playing on her phone



You heard me.” 

Charlotte looked at her father in disbelief before she grabbed her bag and 

Chapter 28


got out of her father’s office. Seeing Charlotte gone, Lawrence’s face. instantly turned darker. He dialed a number on his phone

Were you able to find out who reported him?he asked the moment. someone answered his call

Unfortunately, the source was anonymous. It would have been easier for us to cover him if they did not report him to the FBI,” a woman answered

FBI?Lawrence’s face contorted

Yes. Before those pieces of evidence were sent to the police force in Illinois, the FBI was already informed. With how things are goingthe woman said. We cannot let him talk.” 

Tsk.Lawrence gritted his teeth. This case already attracted the attention of the media. There is no going back now. Do what you must. Do not let him talk.” 


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