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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 

Lawrence hummed as he walked out of William Clarence’s mansion. He nodded at Min who opened the car door for him

The plan was already in place, and all he could do now was wait for it to yield results. The mere thought of the Lockhart Family becoming his soon lifted his mood

Director,Min said as the car started. Miss Sofia issued her own 

statement on the company’s social media. This was not the one crafted by Mr. Thompson or any member of our legal council.He handed him the tablet, showing Sofia’s post

That womanLawrence narrowed his eyes at the tablet. Did she really think a simple post would turn things around? Plagiarism and bullying are not simple accusations. Those things are taken seriously in today’s society. Social media could make a claim like this erupt like a large volcano.” 

He started reading the post and snorted

How foolish” 

Dear LH Community

I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to address recent concerns. about the originality of my designs. I’ve always had a passion for creating beautiful things, especially in the realm of fashion

Firstly, I want to assure you that every design I’ve crafted at LH Designs has been a product of my creativity and dedication. I take pride in my work, and I want to be transparent about my design process

I have the evidence to support the fact that these designs are entirely my own. From the initial sketches to the final product, every step was taken with care and originality in mind. I understand the importance of creativity and uniqueness in our industry, and I’m committed to 

Chapter 30 

upholding those values

No 14:31 

I value the trust and support of the LH community, and I’m here to address any concerns or questions you may have. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to continuing to bring you unique and inspired designs

Thank you for your support


Sofia Lockhart” 

Director, shall I call Miss Lockhart?Min asked

Send her a text, telling her to please cooperate with the legal council. Tomorrow, the annual shareholdersmeeting will happen. Does that woman think she could change the opinion of the shareholders just because of a single post? At this point, he already started doubting hist initial assumption that someone was helping her in silence

If someone was indeed supporting her, they would never tell her to post something like this, as it could only drag her down and give her enemies. more chances to tear her apart

The only thing she could do was leave it alone and slowly disappear from the sidelines. Soon, LH Group would tell her to resign and temporarily leave the country. And Sofia would not have any other choice but to listen to the shareholders. Why was she still struggling like this

He closed his eyes, his lips lifted into a smile

Grandfather, are you certain you will work with that man?a man approached William the moment Lawrence left. He sat where Lawrence was sitting earlier. Lawrence Miles Lockhart would bite anyone just to 

Chapter 30 

have the Lockhart Family. We cannot trust him

IN DA 1431 

Who told you that I trust him?William snorted. The fact that he gave me three percent of his shares as advance payment is enough.” 


If he truly thinks that he can fight against Eulanda, then he is wrong.”William chuckled. Eulanda is a beast in a woman’s clothing. Her only weakness is that granddaughter of hers. I know that Lawrence knew this and that is why he is trying to tighten his leash on Sofia Lockhart.” 

Thenwhat are you planning to do?He poured his own tea and finished it before pouring another one. Hiding while listening to his grandfather’s conversation with that man is exhausting

The old man leaned back. I, too, am very curious who is helping the little girl.” 

You really think that someone is helping her?” 

Have you read the reports, Andrew?he asked

Andrew nodded. It was said that Sofia disappeared after that incident. We cannot find any information about the driver of the car.” 

Then let us start with that. Ask someone to check all the records of cars. from Europe or Canada in the past ten years.” 

You think it was smuggled?” 

Why else would you think we cannot find any records of the owner of the car?he asked. After thoroughly checking everything, they were able to find the name of the owner connected to a Swiss company

The owner and office of that company were based in Africa. The more they tried to trace it, the harder it was for them

Chapter 30 

This only means one thing. It was a ghost company

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So, the car was probably shipped inside the US using various illegal 


Check the cameras all over Illinois. I refuse to believe that we cannot find that car soon.William said. Technology is an amazing thing. It would make anything easier

You think that whoever was driving that car is connected to the ones who reported that thing to the FBI?Andrew asked

Yes.How could it be such a coincidence

However, just as Andrew was about to get up, William’s butler approached them and handed a tablet to William

Miss Lockhart posted a statement on her socials. She wanted to clarify the plagiarism issue yet she did not address the bullying issue.” 

Tomorrow is going to be the annual shareholdersmeeting yet she posted something?William arched his eyebrow. He expected her to stay quiet and listen to Lawrence yet it seems that she finally had the courage to do something against Lawrence’s wishes. Besides Lawrence did not start this war without bullets. He is far from done.” Lawrence seemed confident that 

he could take care of Sofia

This meant that he still had a lot of things that he was planning to do. Isolating her from her grandmother was the start

The old man chuckled. Everything has become even more interesting. Sofia Lockhart’s weakness is her emotions. She was exactly like her mother, and that was the reason why Lawrence easily manipulated them.” 

Grandfather, what do you want me to do?Andrew asked

Do what you must,” William smiled. The game has just become more 


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