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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Daniel sighed. “I apologize for being so busy. I know you need me. However, the things that I am doing now are for our


Sofia wanted to tell him that he was only doing things that could benefit his future, not hers. But she chose to keep her mouth shut as she nodded. Seeing this, he suddenly walked around the table, decreasing the distance between them even further. Then he patted her head. “I bought this for you.” he said as he placed a small velvet black box in front of her.

Sotta immediately tensed. She looked at him.

“Open it,” he smiled and gestured for her to open the box. For a while, she hesitated. Then she slowly opened it and was relieved to see a small necklace instead.

“It’s a rare pink diamond. I bought it in Brunei. I thought it would suit you very well.”

Sofia stared at the pendant. It was a heart-shaped white gold. In the middle of it was the small pink diamond. “It’s beautiful.”


“Let me put it on you.”

“No.” Sofia suddenly slapped his hand when he was about to touch the necklace. I mean-I-1 don’t want to wear it right now. I don’t think it suits my clothes. Sotia gave an awkward laugh. It’s your gift, and I don’t want to tarnish it by wearing something cheap.

Daniel arched his eyebrow but did not ask any more questions. Instead, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead. Goosebumps skittered through her skin as memories of what he did with Charlotte filled her head.

“Mother wanted to finally meet you,” Daniel said. “I know I have been delaying this for so long, but I told her I wanted to marry someone. She asked me to meet you

“Your Your mother?” Daniel’s mother? Sofia thought about the past when she wanted to meet Daniel’s mother. She asked him multiple times to set up this meeting, but he never did. This was because he wanted to prove to his mother that he could stand on his own before having a serious relationship with any woman.

In the past, Sofia never doubted that reasoning. In fact, she admired Daniel’s determination. However, as time passed by, Sofia wanted to spend some holidays with the Beaumont Family and thought it would be a nice gesture if she met his mother. Moreover, both of them already graduated college and were at the right age to start a serious relationship

Still, Daniel refused.

She was almost certain that this was another ploy. With her upcoming birthday, Daniel would want her to slowly integrate herself into the Beaumont Family.

“How about this weekend?” Daniel asked. “The annual meeting will happen today. Don’t you need to at least res mall break?

Sofia said nothing. Instead, she thought of Mrs. Teresa Pitt Beaumont-Daniel’s mother. Mrs. Teresa Beaumont is a wel known socialite in New York.

She was famous for hosting grand parties and charity events in the city. Teresa was known to be elegant and graceful, always seen in the most fashionable outfits. Her reputation as a socialite was not just about attending events; she actively participated in various charitable causes, making her a respected figure in high society.

Despite her New York roots. Teresa chose to settle in Chicago when she married into the Beaumont Family. The decision was rooted in love, as she wanted to be with the man she cared for deeply. Living in Chicago, she brought a touch of New York glamour to the Beaumont household.


He days were flesh gal gatherings hundraisers and managing the Beaumont estate However, beneath the polished experion Peresa was a caring mother who wanted the best ter her son Alexander, and Dantel

Becmise of the influence of the Beaumont Bank, no one actually knew that Alexander’s real mother was not Teresa! Even

“‘”think I am

Come on babe Daniel said “We have been working so much in the past few months, we barely spend time together Can you just spend a day with me?”

Spend a dayt

  1. She had been asking him in the past. She was once a nuve woman who would ask him to schedule a dane so they could spend time together!

But what did this:

He was always busy with business traveling, and golting with clients. Then, he would spend his rest days sleeping in her or

Son already asked herself why she settled for this kind of treatment for years. In the end, she could not answer her own questions


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