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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“Here are the facts that I was able to find out. Sofia began after everyone signed the agreement. “Miss Davis was someone! knew in college. However, she failed a class and was not able to graduate. Right now, she is claiming that I plagiarized her designs and wants me to pay both compensation and to cease designing bags.”

Once again. Sofia gestured to Miss Amores, who handed everyone a folder.

These were lies, Sofia stated. “My lawyer already filed a case and submitted the proof that we have. Obviously, I still have more proof that I cannot show you as this might affect the case.

She smiled as everyone started opening the folders. The folders include documents, sketches, drafts, timestamps, or any other relevant materials that can help establish my ownership of the designs and refute the plagiarism accusations.”

“Miss Davis said that you stole everything about the design. Miss Paine mentioned.

Sofia chuckled and shook her head. That’s just not true. Miss Paine. I spent countless hours crafting those designs from scratch. The folders contain all the evidence my lawyer gathered to show that these are my original creations. There are sketches dating back to my college days, drafts that I worked on over the years, and timestamps that prove the timeline of my design process

She continued with confidence. “I understand Miss Davis’s frustration, but I assure you, every element in those folders supports my claim as the true creator. I take pride in my work, and I won’t let false accusations tarnish my reputation. Feel free to go through the folders, and you’ll see the truth for yourselves. I’m just here to set the record straight and continue my passion for designing bags.

es.” Sofia smiled. “All of my bags have a small intricate design and details that only the one who originally designed

uld know. We have already consulted an expert who could identify strokes that were used in sketching the design re prepared to have that expert testify. Over the years, my style has changed, but the expert was able to confirm that used in this sketch still had similarities to my current ones. If Miss Davis would show herself to the court, then I can eryone what I have.

in also do a comparison of our current output. It would be better to show everyone our individual growth,” Sotu d


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