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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 45

how all vid


we be your husband Where is Ache coming Karma


Chang the be

Chône They dine voli

Coachel belde de Lughal Karina made an exaggerated sigh

where the froste

Solis said. 17ho faigh all them go up biu she minchamely ingre when she sat fose | Spathan here ages!

Wood The mass in the can

The-Ar Arpyj† wys—” Sanja, stamppost as she looked at satus.

pulled Karma and i heywa taltonses joset Isac komto the parking lot whene Alexander was w Them Kanna got to the car herexpression medielychanged Fust it was a surprise

moment into Füst, shekast heed and then votiesed

jöking steetil about bat

chow felieved than theje was me ring on She pane Cher chest umia. Theerchio was that she would just may someone is if

Since she was young

had loved the idea of mathage She grew up with a loving stepmother and a happy mother that ge had been seen as perfect and its led Sata e believe that one day she too would have her pertest marriage

od firent Karma Solla umered. She works with Alam”

Alescariulen mondded. “Ti remove to CHISCE VOLE

Alexander, Sota’s husband.”

Elo7 Kariena bilanked as the turmiód her attention towards Sota. “What-What did y

miered. You wanted to meet him right!”


Jo take un home Alexander sand “I already asked someone to prepare food for all of us Mexander explied

“You And you are already living together

ving gether with ham I thought you

banna pulled Sotas hand as she whispered. Are you for real? You are really

and you forgot to tell me

1 didn’ think was that ‘mportant” Sothu said Testides see as started living together

““Just started bying together? ––– Karma hii. The least that you could do is ask me to help yon pack. It would be nice ift -bought some sort of housewarming presen

“Ishid pack my things “Som enough. Sotta started telling her about the reason why she suddenly moved. At that time,

out of state with her boss. She did not want to cause more trouble, so she decided not to tell her. Then it became even more chaotic so she had simply tengotten about it.



Chapter AC

hot as she


e them side

her explosions they ally arrived at the house is Satia’s pleas mit surprise, another guest was waiting was one other than 1 Thugs Moong

  1. Huge

The wait of the tests is done Huge sand wuhout even green them “I came to personally tell you about it, but it seems

tages ine”

his a good use Soña said “Katona, will von please stay here while I talk to Dr. Moore


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