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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48


Soha awoke to another headache. She clutched her head, grimacing Dann hangover” she thought Slowly, she turned toward the man sleeping next to her

“Hey, she uttered. “Hey-she nudged him. “It’s Monday.” Why is this man here” She expected him to be gone by moment she woke up. Then she realized something. It’s Monday

Today is the day!

She immediately grabbed her phone from the nightstand but realized that it was already dead. “Hey, wake up,” she said as she got out of bed to find her charger. It must be because of the calls, right?

plugging in her phone, she ran to her bag to grab her tablet, and as expected, there were already missed calls and some However, this was not what she wanted to see. She quickly browsed the entertainment section and found what she oking for

“Heiress Heartbreak LH Group Scion Sofia’s Fiancé Daniel Beaumont Caught in Steamy Affair with Caroline, Her Step-

“BEAUMONT Empire Shaken as Daniel Beaumont’s Scandalous Affair with Caroline Exposed on the Heels of His Engagement to Sofia!”

“LH Group’s Love Triangle Unveiled: Sofia’s Fiancé Daniel Beaumont Caught Cheating with Caroline. AKA Charlotte Lockhart, the Rising Star

“Sonia’s Shocking Betrayal: BEAUMONT Empire’s Daniel Caught in a Scandalous Tryst with Step-Sister Caroline!”

“LH Group Scion’s Nightmare: Sofia’s Fiance Daniel Beaumont Embroiled in a Scandalous Affair with Rising Star Caroline!”

“BEAUMONT Empire Rocked by Scandal: Sofia’s Fiance Daniel’s Steamy Affair with Step-Sister Caroline Unearthed!”

“Love. Lies, and LH Group: Sofia’s Fiancé Daniel Beaumont Exposed in a Shocking Affair with Rising Star Caroline Locke

“Sofia’s Engagement Announcement Turns Sour: Daniel Beaumont’s Secret Romance with Step-Sister Caroline Revealed!”

“Scandal Hits the High Society: LH Group Heiress Sofia Devastated as Fiancé Daniel’s Affair with Caroline Unveiled!”

“BEAUMONT Empire in Crisis: Sofia’s Fiance Daniel’s Cheating Scandal with Caroline, aka Charlotte Lockhart, Sparks Controversy!”

Sofia beamed as she read the news. Her hands trembled as tears slowly fell onto her cheeks. She did not need to check the articles, as she already knew what was in there. After all, she was the one who exposed the affair to the media.

Last night, she immediately took a picture of her engagement ring and asked Miss Amores to make a post about her engagement. This was something that Daniel did not expect, but Sofia just made it look like she was so happy and excited to announce to the world that she already belonged to him. In the end, Daniel was not able to stop her.

Sofia turned the tablet off. She and Karina were the ones who sent those images and other proof. Sofia took a shaky breath. trying to steady herself. She had thought exposing the affair would be empowering, a way to reclaim control, but the reality

was far from that.

It was as if the world around her had crumbled, leaving her standing in the wreckage of her own emotions. Relief, sadness, anger, and fury mingled inside her like flowing lava ready to devour her at any given moment.

She already knew that this would be the outcome of her actions, so she easily calmed herself down. This is just the beginning, she thought as her eyes landed on her phone not too far away.



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