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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 66

Chapter 66

“How do you feel!” he asked, concem etched all over his face

“Fine. I mean better than yesterday,” she turned her head away, avoiding his naked upper body.

“Do you want to eat something?” he asked.

“No” she shook her head almost immediately. However, the moment she said it. her stomach started growling. She met his gaze. “I mean.”Just what the heck is going on?

He chuckled in response. “Let’s go.” he said before pulling her towards the kitchen. “I already asked your secretary to bring the things that you needed to sign tonight For now, you take more rest, sleep, and eat.”

Sofia’s lips thinned. In the end moment he said this-somethin

And she quite liked 11..

ded. For some reason, something warm inside her chest started spreading the Could not seem to explain.

Unbeknownst to her, a smile already appeared on her lips as she followed him towards the kitchen.

After nights of drinking himself to sleep, Daniel finally felt like he was going to have a fever. He felt like throwing up as his head pounded like a drum. Groaning. Daniel opened his eyes and found himself sprawled on the couch, tangled in a blanket. The room spun a bit, making him squeeze his eyes shut again.

His mouth tasted like regret, a mix of stale beer and something unidentifiable. Sitting up slowly, he winced as his stomach protested. It felt queasy, like a rollercoaster that never seemed to stop.

The sunlight stabbed through the curtains, hitting him right in the face. He squinted, trying to remember what happened last night. Empty beer bottles scattered on the floor hinted at a wild night he wished he could forget

Dragging himself upright, Daniel stumbled toward the kitchen for a glass of water. The floor felt uneven beneath his feet. and his movements were as graceful as a newborn giraffe.

As he chugged down the water, a flicker of regret crossed his mind. He already told himself that he would not drink alcohol but ended up having one when he arrived.

The thought of Sofia flashed in his head like a storm. After Sofia refused to talk to him, Daniel’s anger surged like wildfire. He felt desperate like he was drowning, and Sofia was the only lifeline he needed. In his mind, what happened with her sister wasn’t entirely his fault

Regret gnawed at him, but a stubborn flame of frustration burned even brighter. He wanted her back and needed her forgiveness, but it felt like trying to catch smoke with bare hands

If she only agreed to talk to him, then everything would be over He could explain everything, and she would then forgive


Sadly, she refused to talk like a normal adult!

Daniel gritted his teeth, anger apparent in his eyes.

After chugging his water, he went back to the living room to try and find his phone. Sadly, it was dead.

“Tsk…” Daniel narrowed his eyes at his phone. He was tempted to throw it against the wall but restrained himself. What if

Sofia called him?




Chapter 66

“How do you feel?” he asked, concern etched all over his face.

“Fine. I mean better than yesterday, she turned her head away, avoiding his naked upper body.

“Do you want to eat something?” he asked.

No she shook her head almost immediately. However, the moment she said it, her stomach started growling. She met his gaze. “I mean “Just what the heck is going on?

He chuckled in response. “Let’s go.” he said before pulling her towards the kitchen. “I already asked your secretary to bring the things that you needed to sign tonight. For now, you take more rest, sleep, and eat.”

Sofia’s lips thinned. In the en moment he said this-someti

And she quite liked it

nodded. For some reason, something warm inside her chest started spreading the she could not seem to explain

Unbeknownst to her, a smile already appeared on her lips as she followed him towards the kitchen.

After nights of drinking himself to sleep. Daniel finally felt like he was going to have a fever. He felt like throwing up as his head pounded like a drum. Groaning. Daniel opened his eyes and found himself sprawled on the couch, tangled in blanket. The room spun a bit, making him squeeze his eyes shut again.

His mouth tasted like regret, a mix of stale beer and something unidentifiable. Sitting up slowly, he winced as his stomach protested. It felt queasy, like a rollercoaster that never seemed to stop.

The sunlight stabbed through the curtains, hitting him right in the face. He squinted. trying to remember what happened last night. Empty beer bottles scattered on the floor hinted at a wild night he wished he could forget.

Dragging himself upright. Daniel stumbled toward the kitchen for a glass of water. The floor felt uneven beneath his feet. and his movements were as graceful as a newborn giraffe.

As he chugged down the water, a flicker of regret crossed his mind. He already told himself that he would not drink alcohol but ended up having one when he arrived.

The thought of Sofia flashed in his head like a storm. After Sofia refused to talk to him. Daniel’s anger surged like wildfire. He felt desperate like he was drowning, and Sofia was the only lifeline he needed. In his mind, what happened with her sister wasn’t entirely his fault

Regret gnawed at him, but a stubborn flame of frustration burned even brighter. He wanted her back and needed her forgiveness, but it felt like trying to catch smoke with bare hands.

If she only agreed to talk to him, then everything would be over! He could explain everything, and she would then forgive


Sadly, she refused to talk like a normal adult!

Daniel gritted his teeth, anger apparent in his eyes.

After chugging his water, he went back to the living room to try and find his phone. Sadly, it was dead.

“Tsk…” Daniel narrowed his eyes at his phone. He was tempted to throw it against the wall but restrained himself. What if

Sofia called him?


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