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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75

The sterile scent of disinfectant greeted Solta room, casting an unsettlingly cold blue glow sheet with bodies lying beneath

she entered the morgue. Harsh fluorescent lights illuminated the Stainless steel tables lined the center, each one draped in a white

A tremor ran through Soha as Alexander tightened lus grip around her arm. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the figure on the closest table.

“It is her,” she tried to maintain composure but was unable to. Fortunately, Alexander was already holding her in his arms. “It is Mrs. Phelps.” she mumbled, a wave of nausea washing over her

“Are you sure?” one of the officers asked.

She nodded gently as Alexander rubbed her back.

“Unfortunately, we cannot tell you anything right now. We are trying to contact Mrs. Phelps family.”

“My secretary will provide you with everything that you need,” Sofia said. She had already called Miss Amores and even


“Shall we leave this place?” Alexander said. In response, Sofia looked at the officers who escorted them outside.

“Thank you so much for your help, Miss Lockhart. We found your calling card on Mrs. Phelps clothing, so we immediately called you. Please expect another visit from us in the next few days.” the officers said

Sofia could only nod in response. She and Alexander then went back to his place.

A heavy silence clung to them as they entered the apartment. The warmth and familiarity of the space did little to dispel the chill of grief and suspicion that hung over Sofia.

Sinking onto the couch, she ran a hand through her hair, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Mrs. Phelps death felt like yet another cruel twist in the complex web she was caught in, a web spun by deceit and manipulation.

“It has to be Lawrence,” she finally broke the silence, her voice low and laced with anger. ‘Or maybe Mr. Oh. He has been too convenient in all of this.”

Alexander sat beside her, his hand resting on hers, offering silent support.

“I have already discreetly begun investigating, he assured her, his voice firm. “My people are digging deeper into Mrs. Phelps past, her connections, and anything that might shed light on what happened. I also did an in-depth investigation of

Mr. Oh

Sofia appreciated his efforts, but a knot of worry remained in her stomach. “Finding out who killed her won’t bring her back.” she said softly. “But it will it will make sure they don’t get away with it. Her voice trembled slightly as she recalled her last conversation with Mrs. Phelps.

At that time, she asked her to gather evidence that could harm Mr. Oh. Sofia wanted something concrete against Mr. Oh, and Mrs. Phelps would have been the perfect pawn

She never expected this to happen. Sadly, she doesn’t have any specifics about Mrs. Phelps’ death, and she could only wait for the police to come up with something.

The very next day, the news of Mrs. Phelps’ demise had already spread inside the office. Sofia could not help but frown the moment she walked into her office

Last night, she did not have that much sleep as she thought about Mrs. Phelps’ death. In the end, she felt like a walking


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Chapter 7


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