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Mr. Chairman’s Devious Wife by Brey Mitchylle novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 


We are in unanimous decision to accept Lawrence Lockhart’s resignation,Mr. Lee said, his expression 


Mr. Lee’s voice echoed in the opulent conference room, bouncing off the polished mahogany table. Silence, thick and heavy, followed his pronouncement. Unlike the usual murmur of agreement or polite disagreement, there was only the nervous clenching of fists and the rustle of expensive clothing

The recent smuggling scandal has shaken the very foundation of LH Group. Stocks had plummeted, and whispers of panic danced on the tongues of every employee. Here, at the board table, the air was thick with a different kind of tension

Lawrence Lockhart’s resignation, a carefully worded document delivered that very morning, lay splayed on the table like a discarded hand. It was a formality, a public acknowledgment of the inevitable. Yet, the weight of that resignation pressed down on each board member

Mr. Anderson, a portly man with a perpetually worried expression, dabbed his forehead with a monogrammed handkerchief. Miss Paine, known for her sharp wit and sharper tongue, remained uncharacteristically quiet, her gaze fixed on the intricate floral pattern of the rug

Across from them, Sofia Lockhart sat with a cold indifference that masked a simmering satisfaction. The public might see Lawrence’s departure as a noble sacrifice, but Sofia knew better

It seems that now, the shareholders who were ever wary of scandal had lost all faith in their chosen 


At one point, Sofia wanted to laugh in their faces and tell them how foolish they had been to be fooled by Lawrence himself. However, wasn’t she just like them a couple of months ago

A ghost of a smile played on Sofia’s lips as her gaze met Mr. Lee’s

While Mr. Lockhart’s resignation has been accepted,he began, his voice measured, we must address the issue of succession. The board previously expressed its interest in Mr. Lockhart assuming the chairmanship afterwell, after recent events. However, the current circumstances necessitate a reevaluation.” 

The room remained silent, each member waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sofia knew this was where the real battle would begin. The chairmanship of LH Group was a coveted prize, and with Lawrence Lockhart out of the running and Eulanda’s death, the wolves were circling

First and foremost, we need to project stability. A press release announcing Mr. Lockhart’s resignation and the board’s commitment to a smooth transition is paramount. We’ll need clear messaging that emphasizes our unwavering dedication to ethical business practices.” 

He paused, letting his words sink in. Miss Paine, finally looking up, spoke with a hint of her usual sharpness, And who will be appointed acting chairman in the interim?” 

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Chapter 92 

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This was a crucial question. The acting chairman would be the face of LH Group during this critical time, and their actions could significantly impact investor confidence. All eyes turned to Mr. Lee

The board will convene a special meeting within the next week to discuss the selection process for a permanent chairman,” he explained. In the meantime, I propose that the role of acting chairman falls to a committee of three board members. This will ensure a collaborative and transparent approach during this sensitive period.” 

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room. A committee would help to quell any accusations of favoritism and demonstrate the board’s commitment to good governance

Who will be on this committee?Mr. Anderson piped up, his voice trembling slightly. Everyone had been wanting to ask this question, yet no one had been able to voice anythinguntil now

Mr. Lee steepled his fingers, his gaze sweeping across the table. I propose myself, Miss Paine, and Ms. Lockhart.” 

Sofia’s heart skipped a beat. Being on the committee meant significant influence in choosing the next chairman. It was a power play, a subtle acknowledgment of the shifting tides within the company

She met Mr. Lee’s gaze, a silent challenge passing between them. This was far from over. The fight for control of LH Group had just begun, and Sofia, no longer an outsider, was now a player at the table

As the one with the largest shares in the company, many people would think that she would immediately use this opportunity to become the chairman. However, she knew this was not the right time for that. With her votes alone, Sofia was confident that she could actually have the position if she wanted to, and perhaps, these foxes around her were expecting her to grab this opportunity and become the chairman of a conglomerate

Sofia cleared her throat, the sound sharp and clear in the tense silence. All eyes darted toward her, curiosity and a hint of wariness flickering in their gazes

While I appreciate the proposed committee, Mr. Lee,she began, her voice calm and measured, I believe ensuring true stability requires complete transparency in the selection process for the new chairman.” 

A murmur rippled through the room again. Miss Paine leaned forward, a spark of interest glinting in her eyes. Mr. Anderson, however, seemed to shrink back slightly in his seat

What exactly do you have in mind, Ms. Lockhart?Mr. Lee inquired, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity

Sofia straightened in her chair, her gaze sweeping across the faces of her fellow board members. First,she stated, we need to establish a clear set of criteria for potential candidates. This should include proven leadership experience, a deep understanding of our industry, and an unwavering commitment to ethical practices.” 

She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. Second, the selection process itself should be open and impartial. We should consider engaging a reputable search firm to identify qualified candidates. This will demonstrate our commitment to finding the best person for the job, not just someone within our 


Chapter 92 

immediate circle.” 

73% 14.34 

A tense silence followed. Sofia knew this wouldn’t be an easy sell. The old guard, accustomed to backroom deals and power plays, might resist the idea of a transparent search. But she also knew that the recent scandal had shaken investor confidence, and a commitment to openness was crucial to rebuilding trust

Finally,Sofia pressed on, her voice firm, we need to ensure shareholder involvement in the final decision. Perhaps a shortlist of qualified candidates could be presented for a shareholder vote. This would show that we value the voice of everyone invested in the future of LH Group.” 

Mr. Lee stroked his chin thoughtfully. An interesting proposal, Ms. Lockhart. It would certainly be a departure from our usual practices, but perhaps a necessary one in these circumstances.” 

Miss Paine chimed in. I second that. Transparency breeds trust, and trust is what we desperately need right now.” 

The room remained abuzz with murmurs. While some, like Mr. Anderson, seemed hesitant, others, sensing the changing tide, appeared intrigued by Sofia’s suggestions

AlthoughMiss Paine smiled. I am quite curious why Miss Lockhart is advocating for transparency when you have the right to become the chairman yourself. Are you not going to grab this opportunity?” 

FinallySofia smiled inwardly. The moment that she has been waiting for has come

As much as I wanted to continue my grandmother’s legacy, there are other things that I must focus on, Miss Paine,Sofia said


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