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Mr. Sutton's Lovesick Girl novel Chapter 14

It hurt so much that Justin held his forehead and leaned against the wall.

After reading the letters, he realized that he played an important role in Lucia’s life during those 11 years.

She spent all her time with him, from that time she looked at him innocently and tenderly, to the timidity that flowed out, and then later, when his indifference lynched her fondness and love, she grew colder and colder just like him.

He sent her to the guillotine of love with his own hands.

Now it hurt to hold the love she once had to him.

Justin left Blue Forest Court, heading to No. 1 Villa.

When he found Owen, he said bluntly as he entered the house, "I want to thoroughly investigate Lucia's whereabouts again."

Owen closed the door, frowned at Justin and said suspiciously, "Didn't you investigate her last time? I have no record of it."

Justin poured himself a glass of water, and gulped it down, "I want to investigate Victor. They disappeared together, so I guess they should have changed their identities."

"What?" Owen walked to Justin, "Lucia and Victor eloped?"

Justin’s eyes went dim, revealing warning as his mind had been seen through.

Owen waved his hand sensibly, "I'm kidding. It is known to everyone that Lucia loves you, so how could she be abducted by Victor with a few sweet words?"

Owen knew in his heart that Justin had been like a dead volcano ready to erupt, which should have a great deal to do with Lucia's departure.

Why else he became a different person? He never attended the parties with friends and only focused on making money, just like a robot.

Justin added, "Get every clue of it."

"Ok, don't worry, I will get every detail."

Every day since he had left No. 1 Villa, Justin had been anxious.

He had to read Lucia's letter to her mother once a day.

The image of Lucia kneeling alone in the rubble, crying and shouting his name while moving stones with her bare hands always appeared in his mind ......

Once the uncertainty was definitively clear, the screwed-up energy in his mind could not be loosened.

In the past 11 years, Lucia got into his body little by little, became part of his body, and she stuck to his heart and had never left.

He had only recently discovered that he was afraid of pain, so the bloody spot had been torn apart must be repaired when she returned. He would be no more pain as long as she came back. He was selfish, so he must find her!

A week later, Justin received a call from Owen, his voice on the phone was urgent, "Justin! Come to No. 1 Villa! Hurry!"


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