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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 52

"Can you remind me again, why I agreed to do this?" I ask nervously as my bestfriend leads me towards a large balloon that is filled with air. Yes, a hot hair balloon. My maverick bestfriend thought it would be fun for us to ride in a hot air balloon because, and I quote, 'it'll be fun.'

"Because," she makes emphasis on 'because', "you only live once, and there is no limit of crazy stuff you can do while you're still alive.. I mean, why not?" Spencer questions and almost launches herself in the basket. She climbs inside and motions for me to put my hands in hers. I oblige immediately and Spencer helps me into the basket. Our balloon pilot gives us a thumbs up sign after we're settled in and Spencer nods.

"Ready?" Spencer's eyes are bright, full of spark... or mischief.

"Yeah." I release a shaky breath as the balloon rises up into the air and the temperature rises with it. According to my Google search before we got here, how hot air balloons work is thanks to the hot air inside the balloon, produced by the burner. Hot air rises, and as the air is heated inside the balloon it causes it to rise upwards (because it is lighter than the cooler air on the outside. The air is really starting to get hot, but I don't feel like I'm going to keel over and die.

"Isn't this fun?" Spencer shouts over the roar of the air.

"Not something I would recommend." I say truthfully. Hot air balloon rides are not for the feeble heart and as much as I don't want to admit it, I'm definitely apart of that latter. I feel like I'm going to barf any minute now, but on the other hand I don't want to be a party pooper and ruin my best friend's fun. She deserves to enjoy this, something she's wanted to do from ever since I could remember and I don't want to be the person to ruin her lifelong dream. Besides, what could go wrong?

The balloon pilot starts showing us beautiful landmarks below and suddenly I realise how high up we are in the sky. He doesn't talk much, because he's busy paying attention to the wind patterns, as an experienced pilot would. He raises and lowers the balloon into different wind flows to change the direction the balloon floats and soon I'm starting to enjoy the ride.

"This is actually really fun." I change my mind almost as abruptly as I made it up. Honestly, if you just focus on the wind and the view below you, around you, rather than the heat and the height, I guess a ride like this can't be so bad.

"I knew you would come around." Spencer laughs. The rest of the ride goes smoothly and our one hour ride comes to a stop.

"Thank you so much. The view was amazing and you were great and professional like at you're job. I'll leave a 5 star rating for sure." Spencer thanks the balloon pilot and hands him a huge tip. He bows gratefully and Spencer smiles before we both leave.

"So what are we doing next?" I ask.

"I know a cute little place you'll love." Spencer says in a mysterious voice. We take a random bus headed downtown and when we get out, I can feel new born butterflies in my stomach. The amusement park! Spencer brought me to the amusement park.

"I haven't been here, for like 3 years." I tell her.

"I know. And that's exactly why I brought you here, come on!"

Were both full of enthusiasm and not one single thing can drown out our excitement. Not the long lines. Or the huge crowds, even if it's a Thursday. Not even people stepping on our toes as we wait in line for our cotton candy. Spencer and I are dead set on having a good time, and we are.

We buy a potentially unlimited amount of tickets to go on every single ride in the park. We eat alot of cotton candy, fried chicken dinners and boysenberry pie and individual pizza slices. We go on the roller coaster and watch people on the Ferris wheel. We even go on the small bumper cars and visit the haunted mansion.

By the end of the day we are tired and overwhelmed with sleep. We take a bus back downtown and walk the rest of the way. The roads are barely clogged with traffic and for once in a few days I can appreciate the quietness that surrounds me without worrying whether or not an attacker is passing by.

"I had a huge amount of fun today. I bet it can last me until I'm 50." Spencer laughs.

"Halt." A rough voice orders, making us stops in our steps and all the food in my stomach disappears and is replaced with a lump. A short but tough looking male stands directly in front of us blocking our way home. He is joined by a taller and we'll built man that looks like he can fist through a wall.

Chapter 52: Love is War 1

Chapter 52: Love is War 2


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