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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 : I can't sign at the moment.

Katarina frowned slightly and asked carefully:

-Do you really want to know?

Marcos nodded his head.

-This dress was designed and made by James. It was a one-of-a-kind piece, with no model to try it on, and was to be a gift for some destined bride. Many gentlemen tried to beg James to sell it to them, but he refused.

Katarina paused, looked at him and continued:

-Including your brother. However, when Mr. Aguayo showed up, James insisted on giving her this dress, which Micaela then wore. It looked great on her. But James hadn't seen her when he designed and made the dress, so the name of the dress is: Destined!

"The first time Mr. Aguayo met Micaela, he gave her this dress?"

"Was she Mr. Aguayo's destined bride?"

"Then what am I?"

Katarina noticed his sadness. "It's your fault for not appreciating her."

The car went silent.

Leaving her at the door of Grupo Carballo, Marcos headed towards the company. At that moment, his phone rang and it was Adriana calling. He finally picked up:

-Marcos, where are you? I want to see you," Adriana's tone was a bit pleading.

It was not yet time to go to work.

"I'm tired of being with her. It's better to meet and talk to her."

-Where are you? -I'm on my way.

On the other end of the phone, Adriana was pleased:

-I'm near your apartment. I'll meet you there, okay?

Marcos resisted a little. He had never been back there since he had been discovered making love with Adriana by Micaela...

-I'll wait for you," said Adriana and hung up the phone.

Marcos sighed, turned the car around and headed for his apartment.

Adriana had the key and arrived before him.

When he pushed the door, he was embraced. The fragrance of a fresh bath surrounded him, and Adriana was wearing only a bath towel. Mark tried to push her away, but she wouldn't let him, kissing him directly and reaching into his clothes....

After sex, he hated himself even more.

"It was because I couldn't resist the temptation that she broke up with me, wasn't it?"

She got out of bed and said as she fixed her dress:

-Let's break up.

Adriana violently sat up and dragged Marcos. With her naked body trembling slightly, she asked incredulously:

-Why? I really love you... I was busy before, but I will definitely spend more time with you in the future....


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