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My Dear Mr. Nice novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 : You're the most delicious dessert

Eric weighed his words and said:

-I'm not trying to make things difficult for you. You should have seen the news about you, you can save a lot of them by taking advantage of this current fever and making your debut....

-Brillantella also went out of her way to keep your mystery in the weekend news. I'm afraid that if it goes on too long, your true identity will be discovered before the time and your debut will be less impressive....

Not only because of that, but also because of the fear that other companies will find you and sign you first.

So Eric thought he should tempt her by saying.

-Besides, aren't you short of money? If you sign the contract, the company will pay you eight hundred thousand euros right away and can wait until you finish your current job.

After a moment's thought, Micaela replied:

-I'm sorry, Mr. Eric, I don't need the money anymore. But I still appreciate your sincerity. I promise I'll get back to you once I'm done with the job," after a pause. I assure you that when I sign, I will be even more impressed than before.

Micaela had absolute confidence.

Eric was very surprised.

"How can a girl who just graduated be so confident?"

But her confident voice and intelligence made Eric very appreciative.

She was worth waiting for!

And he had to sign it!

-Okay! I believe you! I'll wait for your call.

Hanging up the phone, Micaela breathed a sigh of relief.

She picked up her notebook and folder, then headed to the office and saw Carlos sitting in front of her desk, apparently he had just finished a call as well.

Seeing Micaela, he put the phone down, walked over, put his hands on her shoulders and asked:

-Can't you sleep without me?

Iris blushed instantly:

-No way! Mr. Eric just called me and I couldn't sleep.

Carlos liked her shyness very much and asked with a smile:

-Well, what did you say?

Micaela looked at him and confessed:

-He urged me to sign the contract. I told him I would get in touch with him when I finished the job in question.

-Very good, how clever!

With a simple appreciation, Micaela couldn't help but feel a little joyful, blossoming a charming smile.

Carlos hugged her, wanting her to be his exclusive. But she was about to become a model.....

-Carlos, can you give me a piece of paper? I want to draw a picture.

-Do you need a laptop? -He let go of her and asked.

-No, I like to draw with my hands.



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